Ominous Jester

Ominous Jester's avatar

Last Login: 05/15/2010 4:25 am

Registered: 11/23/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Isengard, looking for scrap metal

Occupation: Unholy servant


Picture wall (restarted)

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Meet my friend, miss lady.

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Terror: A healthy part of this balanced breakfast

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Never relax in the sea...

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...Not even when you've almost escaped.

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What wrecked this place? look closely and you might see it...

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My basic view of the universe.

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Welcome to my world

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Parenting tips?

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"Snake, you can't do that, you'll create a time paradox!"

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Someone should pay the electric bill.

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If only middle earth had computers.

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Laser pointers are deadly weapons.

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It's exactly what it looks like.

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So, hitler was a 360 user. Figures.

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Yes, it IS getting closer.

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See a light at the end of the tunnel?

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Birds are not to be trusted.

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I hear they get confused.

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Cool, huh?
The House
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Always chew your food.

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My most frequent mindset.

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There he is again!

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Both animals hiss...

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Yes, all the women are vampires. Thanks a lot, twilight.

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I told him don't look up.

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"mommy, you're always drunk."

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A souvenoir.


Instead of self description, I am using this space for some proverbs and philosophies...
-3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead
-don't cry over spilled milk
-there is no rule without it's exception, including this one
-all things are in the eye of the beholder
-there are no stupid questions, only stupid people
-stupid is as stupid does
-when in a maze, stick to the left wall
-religion is like science, everyone has their theories, but no one is "right" or "wrong" until hard proof is found (looking at you, osama, catholics)
-things die
-life is short, use what you have
-there's more to life than wealth and women (or men, I'm going with the archtypical)
-Nothing is true, everything is allowed
-s$^t happens
-Knowledge is power
-power corrupts
-people are like dirt; not much to see, but sift around and you're bound to find something interesting.
-times change and time changes
-The pen is mightier than the sword... but blood is more vibrant than ink.
-War does not detemine who is right, only who is left
-after all the work, energy, and money put into being beautiful, death makes us all look the same.

Arm yourself with knowledge!


View Journal

Old, dusty book

Greetings, I am Varmeip. I mostly use this journal as a means of ranting on about various things without randomly clogging up the forums of people that probobly wouldn't understand it anyway. That is all.


View All Comments

Graveyard Moon Report | 05/15/2010 5:33 am
Graveyard Moon
Thank you for one last time and have a nice day.^_^
I'll never forget what you did and I'll always appreciate it.
Graveyard Moon Report | 05/15/2010 5:25 am
Graveyard Moon
Haha,it's okay.I think all those you gave me were more than enough.
Graveyard Moon Report | 05/15/2010 5:19 am
Graveyard Moon
I'm really grateful for all those thins you donate me.
Graveyard Moon Report | 05/15/2010 5:06 am
Graveyard Moon
I'm speechless now,XD.
Graveyard Moon Report | 05/15/2010 5:03 am
Graveyard Moon
I just wanted to thank you again!THANK YOU!
And good luck in whatever you decide to do after this.
Oyasumi Meron Report | 01/23/2010 5:43 am
Oyasumi Meron
thanks for buying plss coem back again
Cherry-Crepe Report | 12/28/2009 6:07 am
Thank you for your purchase.
Vadane Report | 12/14/2009 5:16 pm
thanx 4 ur purchase!
Vanilla eXee Report | 10/13/2009 5:05 pm
Vanilla eXee

That's good.

Vanilla eXee Report | 10/11/2009 7:01 am
Vanilla eXee

The coolest person ever. How are you...VARMEIP!


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Ominous Jester
Ominous Jester

which one is me!?!?