The Dragon Amulet

This is a story I'm currently making, may be found at the Arenas. It's about Lauren, who is out hunting, but the hunt ends with something he would never expected!

The Adventures of Enigma

Game I'm making

In the peacefull town of Mordon, you live as the best horseman they got. You train weapons 3 days a week, and you are popular with the kids. But one day, Lyra's dog, Miraz run away into the deep forest. You run after her, and finds her captured by skeletons. When you have saved her, your sword trainer Ohsus comes to help, but there is no use for that. Lyra thanks you, by giving you a flute, infused with magic, that makes you able to talk with the people in Mordon. Later that day she is washing your horse with you, you get attacked by an enemy. The enemy is from Vanlions, a group of assasins. Lyra gets caugh, and you are left behind, because he think you are dead. You got to save Lyra before it's to late!


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Olavs World

olav164's avatar

Birthday: 01/01


Hi everyonone! I'm a chill dude, and I love to draw and write. At my sparetime I usually create games with Engine001. It's a free, and powerfull gamemaker, wich has unlimited possibilities. Homepage is here:

I usually draw fantasy stuff, like swords and other medieval stuff. I also ejoy writing about this. I mostly read fantasy, drama and action. My favorite genre in movies is Adventure and action.
My favorite music is DragonForce, from England in Europe. They mostly play hyperspeed metal, singin about fantasy stuff.

Now you know a bit about me! To find out more, invite me as a friend!

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serrafina Report | 05/20/2009 5:44 pm
Thanks, man!
Ti-Chan17 Report | 04/13/2009 6:27 pm
Hi shadow. biggrin


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