About me !
Hey !My name is Giselle =)... i am a fun loving person(haha cheesy)!
I like playing the piano and photography matches me. I like MOST types of music(dont like metal and screamo).My hobbies are swimming , dancing , and the computer! (Dont find these strange or anything ... but I have a BIG obsession about Hello Kitty !)
I dont except random friend requests (you have to get to know me first). I'm a pretty good social friend. You just have to get through my shyness. BTW, i dont date on gaia.
I dont like conceited people. They tend to be so annoying. And I am a cat person for a bunch of reasons ! My favorite colors are blue (cause I live near the ocean and I LOVE the water) and white (cause it matches with everything)
im really into k-pop or jpop. mostly k pop tho. i love groups such as big bang,dbsk,wondergirls,snsd(tho i find them girly),super junior,morning musume(i find them girly too), kat-tun,2pm, and much more...if u havent noticed those are all asian groups LOL
So PM me or whatever =)
PeAcE <3
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LiL SiSsY <3333 ILY
what sis u do for thanksgiving?
from your older sister
-Hannah (AKA cookie!)
im sorry i wasnt on myspace ALL DAY!
i was with frieds soo... haha
talk to you later lil sis
omg you know how today, we kept calling eachother Purple and Cookie
those should be our CODE NICKNAMES haha
me and ariana have code nicknames for eachother too hers is Pancake and mine is Waffle <33
k luv ya sissy (btw i do tell everyone your my sister) haha (;
and we were going back to our house
we heard random ppl screaming and we were lyk WTF!
buht then we realized the boxing thingyyy was onnn soo yaa
OMG I CANT WAIT TILL MY BDAY PARTY! i got lyk punched 500 times
because it was my bday and my arm was so sore after that, buht it was
soo funny!
its sooo weird if you think about it~ you were leaving az to go to japan 3 yrs ago
nooow your leaving japan and going back to az its so WEIRD!
go on myspace i uploaded new photos....
btw- im glad you had a good time in hawaii :]
how many more days till you move back to az?
this is a time i wish i was in arizona right now!!
well all i half to say issss, i hope you enjoy your time in Hawaii while you can. . .
there wont be much time left wink -hint hint-
and your checking into the hotel we stayed at last year x]
i didnt go trick or treating, noo way!
i went to the block party on ali'i drive, and like the whole 40,000 ppl were there, it was so cool hahaha
buuht this guy got beat up -BIG TIME- for dressing up as a p3nis (eww) that guy deserved to get beat up! hahaha :p
anyways. . . I KNOW RIGHT!! hes a buckin retard
haha :p you need to create a myspace im serisous!!
what are you gunna be for halloweenie?? -weenie- haha