o AyeItspoppa o's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 01/31

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About me

Let me introduce my self . Okay to start off my name is Christian-John aka C.J and i'm 1_ years old. The sports i love to play is Basketball(PG), and Football(WR and HB). The games i like to play is : NBA 2K11, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty World at War, and other games, but I forgot. sweatdrop And that's all i can tell you about me so far.

"Its time to fight back that what Huey said. Two shots in the dark , now Huey' dead. I have love for my brothers, but we can't go no where unless we share with each other. So we got to be making changes.Learn to me as a brother instead of two distant strangers and that's how it supposed to be" 2pac said

"And only time, we chill is when we kill each other. Its takes skill to be real, time to heal each other. And although it seems that heaven sent. We ain't right to see a black president." 2pac said

"The penitentiary's packed, and it fills with blacks. But some things will never change." 2pac said

It's war on the streets & the war in the middle east. Instead of war on the poverty , they got wars on drugs so the police can bother me." 2pac said

All copy rights to 2pac



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Rosaellie Report | 02/24/2013 2:13 pm
You never go on now. :c
Rosaellie Report | 05/17/2012 3:17 pm
I'm not dating you anymore.
OCTOPUS SUCKING MY TITS Report | 09/08/2011 9:13 am
I'm srry, I don't think this relationship will last very long :/ So, yea, I'm dumping you :c Srry, don't take this to harshly T.T
OCTOPUS SUCKING MY TITS Report | 08/26/2011 6:47 am
srry, this is x-FluffyFaerie, I'm gonna be offline for a few days, cuz my main account was hacked, and I can't get it back sad
Rosaellie Report | 08/22/2011 4:52 am
its ok biggrin
-Oh Nice Bro-

my main ni99a

my bro