10.-Commandments To not go to hell:
1.-No think impure acts that do not include them in Oli.
2.-No think or commit impure acts, including Sarah Jane or die.
3.-No kill (see lunch) or battered to any animal.
4.-never buy clothes Built for Sin or burn in hell for being built for sin.
5.-love oli than yourself.
6.-listen and memorized all the songs from bring me the horizon.
7.-have pictures of Oliver Sykes at all times.
8.-No buy food at Kentucky Fried Chicken for any reason.
9.-oli sykes is the person most sexy of the world.
10.-The world revolves around Oli Sykes, the environment and the Animals (but Oli Sykes).
konichiwwa! ^^ etto..san... kore wa Nihongo de nan to iimasu ka??
i love the aaniime n special the shonen shojo and shonen ai ^^
i luv the chocolate, the pokys^^ japanesse food like onigiris^^i luv the bunnys and i be happy when i see a saru-san^^(L) i luv the music^^ i luv draw something like anime U_U i luv do parodies or fanarts and i dislike the people who lie and believe that they be more important than me ¬_¬
i love tom sykes^^

my favorite bands:

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xD recuepere mi cuenta del gaia
oye <.< ke haces tan temprano?
no debes de estar en la escuela niña faltista?!