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Makoto Meridon's avatar

Report | 08/19/2019 11:37 am

Makoto Meridon

Thanks! whee
Yours is pretty cute too! 3nodding
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/18/2019 4:14 pm

Anatomy of a Zombie

I should just give up on comments, I think gaia has it in for me, but this is how the last comment was meant to end! razz

I'm glad to hear it, well either way his name is Ross Noble, and I couldn't actually find a smaller clip of what I wanted to show you, but in one of his shows he is on about his youngest daughter. The first time I heard it I was in stitches, but I apologise if you're very religious in advance, it just shows you how children take in information they're told, hopefully you do enjoy it though! smile

Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/18/2019 4:13 pm

Anatomy of a Zombie


My avis aren't the only ones, yours look pretty adorable too every single time I see them! :cute: But thank you for saying so, I think I just have too many items that actually work well together so I don't have to put in a lot of work for them! :sweat: Also if you ever update your wishlist I can see if I have any items you need, I'm always looking to just give some of them away! :P
I honestly can't remember that, although some scenes from games stick with you more than others, it is like Toy Story 2, I remember the fight with Zurg in the elevator, but anything else I wouldn't have been able to tell you about, although I'm sure it follows the movie! :lol: I don't blame you one bit, I'm sure I struggled with the Rugrats game at times, but I suppose this was well before people were whining that games were too hard, I think the majority of them nowadays tend to hold your hand through the majority of games which I'm a bit disappointed in to be fair!
Plenty of potential indeed with VR, the only downside I can see with it, was that some people might prefer the VR world depending on what it becomes like. I mean if it is something in terms of like the Oasis from Ready Player One, I could see VR starting to become an addiction to some pople, although I'd like to hope I'm wrong. But with the way the human race has been heading over the years I would assume that people would neglect their daily lives to live in a virtual world, even if it is just an escape! :sweat: I apolgise if it sounds like I'm on a downer, but that is pretty much how I could see VR heading!
Really?! I never actually used a horse to climb up mountains, gosh I feel like I wasted a lot of time on Skyrim now doing it the good old fashioned way! Although them falling to their deaths would have devestated me so maybe it wasn't actually too bad! :P
Haha glad I wasn't the only one, at least we can still believe we were the good guys! :3nod: Although I think Fallout 3 really made you think about the consequences of your decisions, like when you had to decide whether you would detonate the bomb in that small town or not, I'm sure Bethesda actually put an achievement up for you to actually go through with it though, so I think they're trying to make you a little bit evil at least! :stare:
Ah I see, I can understand that, I'm not a huge fan of big crowds, but I'm content with it as long as I have a few friends with me. I was trying to think of the right words, but I couldn't so I'll attempt my best :lol: I can understand what you mean with the large crowds, but at least with the technology available to us now, and with that many live recordings of shows you can at least enjoy it as much as anyone that seen it live. Ah I see, I can understand that, there have been times in the past I've been to concerts where I haven't enjoyed it because of the noise and the amount of people there, hopefully you don't feel too bad about missing out on events due to that. If I'm honest I would actually prefer to just see a live show from the comfort of my own home, I'm actually surprised they haven't attempted to do that yet. :sweat: I think a lot of it is due to a lot of bands / comedians actually make their own live shows to sell on DVD, so if they allowed people to watch from their own homes they wouldn't have a need for the DVD. I suppose we shall see what the future holds! :3nod: Ozzy was actually meant to be over here last year, but he had a bad case of the flu, so he had to postpone his shows, although with Ozzy the longer the date of the concert is the more I worry about it, I mean he is insane to begin with so I just wonder if I'll ever see him live :P
I'm glad to hear it, well either way his name is Ross Noble, and I couldn't actually find a smaller clip of what I wanted to show you, but in one of his shows he is on about his youngest daughter. The first time I heard it I was in stitches, but I apologise if you're very religious in advan
Socordiasomnia's avatar

Report | 08/17/2019 5:26 pm


Oh, sure! I'd love to talk about it if you'd like! ^^
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/17/2019 9:46 am

Anatomy of a Zombie

Quite possibly, although I'm sure there will be a website out there with videos from all the old cartoons, I used to use on a while back I'll see if I can find it again for you! 3nodding I know right, I never put two and two together, but the screwdriver was what tipped it over the edge as to Tommy being the doctor of that time! wink Speaking of Rugrats, that was another game I used to love playing as a kid, I remember the mission of finding Grandpa's teeth, golly gosh I hated the geese! lol
Honestly I've never used a VR headset, but judging from people's reactions it is really immersive, I'll probably hold out a few years, then hopefully the prices will drop as they release more up to date products! Haha, I guess we're even then! wink But I'm glad it amused you, but I think you could be right, especially since you know it is a horror game you're always on edge because you're expecting something to happen, making you more alert! I guess it just makes the elements see you as a target and will try to find a way to scare you through anymeans possible, either with a transformer or a bird that must be blind as a bat! lol

Lol, I don't blame you at all, to be honest the Giants don't look too threatening and with them being humanoid you could probably just mistake them as a northern faction, but yeah flying into orbit sounds like a way to go, especially with the ragdoll physics implemented. Oh the amount of times I fell down a cliffside, especially since the easiest way to transverse the world was just to climb up a mountain than actually walk around it, gamer logic at it's finest! wink It was like playing Fallout too, I used to like being a thief on that too, nothing more satisfying than pickpocketing someone, but not actually taking anything instead actually planting an explosive on them. Looking back I think my character may have been a bit of a d**k at times, although I did try to be a good guy, some people just got in my way! crying
Yeah there has been a few companies like that over the years, it was one of the reasons I stopped taking time off work when I was younger to play a game that was meant to be released, I took a week off about 8 years ago to play a game as soon as it came out, I can't remember what it was now. But the date got pushed back by a week and the following week I was at work almost everyday so I didn't actually get to play it much! lol Now I tend to just take my holidays if I have any concerts coming up, or if my friends are planning a trip away for a weekend!

Next year I think there is 3 events I've got planned, 2 are comedy shows, and the other is Ozzy Osbourne, as long as he is alright this time, since he had to postpone it last time! lol If you like comedy I can suggest a guy I've seen twice now, he is actually from the city I live closest to, but because he is from here he has an accent so it might be hard to understand him, but I think I could probably go to see everyone of his shows for the week and every one of them would be diffferent. He has a little bit of his own material, but the majority of what he talks about is what the audience leads him onto! 3nodding
Flammable Hippie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 10:04 pm

Flammable Hippie

And ditto to you! <3
YoureKillingMeSmalls's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 8:37 pm


~Lovers Lost~'s avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 8:30 pm

~Lovers Lost~

Hello! Awesome to meet someone else who loves scooby doo ^-^
An thank you for making it a fair price!
Ichigo the Neko's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 5:23 pm

Ichigo the Neko

Don't oops me young lady! you do it on purpose gonk crying
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 5:10 pm

Anatomy of a Zombie

I think I typed too much and broke the comments, it must be a warning from gaia sweatdrop anyways this was the last paragraph lol

Aww that is quite touching! Glad your dad was there looking out for you! That was one thing that bugged me about the water levels on sonic, it was always if you didn't have a 2nd player the amount of times Tails would drown was quite rediculous! lol Honestly I think both Sonic and Nimbus were very good names, although I think Sonic is better suited for a hedgehog, with Nimbus I'd think more of a cloud and I don't think a Hedgehog would be very comfortable like a cloud! But for pet names I think it was a really good name, you could always do worse, like when I was a child calling your cats Fluffy, Tigger and Socks. I think Fluffy and Socks speak for themselves as to how they got their names, but as for Tigger I can't remember who in my family decided on the name! lol
Why thank you! Honestly I'm just glad there are other people out there that not only remember the cartoons and games that I grew up with, but actually enjoy them as much as I did / do! whee
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 5:08 pm

Anatomy of a Zombie


You and me both, I used to watch Courage religiously, I used to dislike Eustace quite a lot for how he treated Muriel and Courage, but I think my opinion changed by the end! :xp: Some of the characters we pretty awesome too, that is another show I'll have to go back and rewatch! Ed, Edd and Eddy was fantastic too, I just loved how different they were, but they were still the best of friends and the shenanigans they got into was superb! Speaking of things seen in cartoons I was looking on the Internet the other day and there was something on there about the Rugrats, it was mentioned that the creators of the show were huge Doctor Who fans, then someone else pointed out that if you look at Tommy, no matter what he is doing, if he gets stuck there is always a single tool that he uses in times of need, a screwdriver. Someone pointed out that in the Rugrats, Tommy is pretty much the timelord, only his isn't a sonic screwdriver! :lol:

That was one of the resons I liked Thrillville, the mini games made it more immersive so to speak, the likes of Rollercoaster Tycoon you created rollercoasters, but you couldn't actually do much more than that. I'm just waiting for a theme park game once VR becomes a larger thing, I think it could probably be one of the best things they could possibly do, although depending on how well it works could make a lot of people feel sick.

Haha, I feel bad for chuckling at that, but honestly coincidences like that happen very rarely! At least you survived that scare, but if it makes you feel any better, I'll tell you one of my experiences when I was younger! I was playing the original Resident Evil when it had first came out and it was the weekend so I was playing on it when it was dark, I got to the area where you go through the hallway and a dog jumps through the window. In my room at the time I was sitting on my bed which was quite near the window, on the game I walked through the door to that area, and as soon as the dog crashed through the window, I'm assuming it was a bird struck my window with quite a force. I think I was up off the bed, playstation switched off and the light switched on within about 5 seconds of hearing the thud! :lol: Needless to say horror games after that haven't been my strong suit!

Lol oh my gosh I forgot about that with Skyrim, having such a high sneak rating you could crouch in plain sight of a guard and you'd still be hidden! :lol: Although I think sneaking was always the easiest skill to increase too, since you just crouched everywhere! I like your way ot thinking, I'm guessing the whole angry and fired up happened when you didn't instakill someone, or if you were having a bad day? I remember one playthrough and I had Lydia as my follower and I got into a fight with some giants, one of them swung his club at me and missed, the momentum took it forward and made contact with Lydia and she honestly went flying into the air, like how Team Rocket blasts off and I pretty much figured she was dead. I kept playing and I even slept to see if she would turn up, after I woke up she was still missing. In game time it was about 4 days later I slept again and she ended up turning up, so I don't know if was glitched, or whether it did actually take all that time to return!

There is a new Last of Us coming out later this year or next isn't there? If that is the case I might just wait and see if they release a double pack and play through the both of them. I've actually watched a full playthrough of Gone Home and have to admit I found it fantastic. WROEF does indeed sound more and more interesting, I honestly don't mind short games it means that I'll actually play through it without getting sidetracked!

Aww that is quite touching! Glad your dad was there looking out for you! That was one thing that bugged me about the water levels on sonic, it was always if you didn't have a 2nd player the amount of times Tails would drown was quite redicul
Ichigo the Neko's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 4:41 pm

Ichigo the Neko

heart stop putting up good stuff! lol then i have to buy! heart
Jujuonis's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 4:26 pm


Sure thing.
Tom37610's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 4:12 pm


Not a problem! Thank you for selling! smile
Solar Miracle's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 3:30 pm

Solar Miracle

Thanks so much! And you're very welcome.
Twili Midona's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 1:51 pm

Twili Midona

Oh? You're welcome. smile
Socordiasomnia's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 1:32 pm


Oh my gosh, thank you!! I hope you enjoy Deltarune! Its a very good game, even if its only a demo for now! Thank you for selling and also thank you for appreciating my hard work!! I hope you have a wonderful day! 4laugh heart
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 11:04 am

Anatomy of a Zombie

I'm sure you'll enjoy it, plus all the memories will begin flooding back so it'll be even better! 3nodding Haha yeah I know what you mean, there were a lot of shows back in the past that made me feel the same way too, Ren and Stimpy was one of them, even Real Monsters too. Gosh it is painful looking back and remembering how many good shows there were at the time! Oh I see, I've never heard of blameitonjorge, but having a quick look at the video titles I think I'll have to check it out, although I was mainly drawn to the Courage the Cowardly Dog one, I loved that show too! sweatdrop Plus can't go wrong with myths and folklore, I actually enjoy looking into the unknown and listening to stories that people have told over the years!

Really good choices there on games, Spyro is certainly a classic, I don't know if I've met anyone that didn't love that one to be fair! Plus Metal Gear was fantastic for the time, I know they've done remastered collections, I think I might need to pick it up at some point, plus looking back they certainly did put a lot of effort into their characters! I remember playing Thrillville, I loved the themepark games, but my heart always belonged to Rollercoaster Tycoon on PC, although my rollercoaster designs were either awful, or they worked great, but they were too intense that no one had the guts to go on them unless you used the cheat to rename a guest to a certain name that would force them to go on any ride no matter how intense! lol

Lol I can't blame you for screaming at the splicers, their movements made it hard not to, Bioshock was pretty good at making you feel uneasy as well as adding in a few jump scares here and there! I'll have to replay it at some point, I have it on Steam, but I haven't played it on PC only on xbox when it first came out! Of course Skyrim would have made the list, I think everyone loved that game, I should probably ask you what your favourite class was to play as. For me I was more of a sneak thief, I loved the bows and preferred to try and avoid combat at all costs lol I remember playing Morrowind when it first came out, I was afraid to go into the water once I stumbled upon dreugh, those things scared the crap out of me, especially since it was that hard to see in the water to begin with! emo
I've never played The Last of Us, although I know everyone speaks highly of the story, I have watched some streamers play through it on Twitch and it does look beautiful at times! Although I remember hearing of What remains of Edith Finch, I remember seeing it on PC, but I never picked it up, but judging from your reaction I have a feeling I'll have to see about picking it up, especially if the story is that great, I love games that just keep you immersed with the story! 3nodding

Of course all the classics too, the time I spent playing on Dr. Mario too, even then I was never amazing at it, but I did like the whole game, Sonic Spinball too, looking back they were that simple, but they kept me occupied for hours on end! Haha I look forward to hearing more of that list in future conversations then! razz But honestly you've got a good taste in games from the top of that list! 44 Platinum trophies, I'm jealous! redface I don't know if I've ever event 100% completed the achievements for any game before, I'll have to go and have a look! If not then I'll have to make it a mission to at least complete something fully!
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 10:08 am

Anatomy of a Zombie

Aww man I would have loved some GIR slippers lol I've just got a few of the funko pop vinyls of GIR, although I seen one a while back that I never got, it was him riding on a pig, I'll have to keep a look out for it to be fair! I haven't watched the Rocko's Modern Life movie yet, but I seen it was just added to Netflix and I'm definitly going to watch it since I actually miss all the old Nickleodeon cartoons. The Invader Zim movie just came out today, it isn't listed as new release, but if you search for it on Netflix it is on there!

Oh my that certainly is a collection of consoles! I still have a few older consoles, but with the PC it seems like there are a lot of ports coming over to it meaning that I don't have to go back to them! You certainly got that spot on Overwatch does boil my blood at times, but that is because most of the time I just play solo into groups of randoms and nobody has a clue on what teamwork is lol Oh dear sweatdrop How long have you got? I've played that many games over the years there are that many good games, although I'm sure I can cover them over a long period! razz
I tend to play single player games when I don't need to listen to the music, I used to read a lot of creepypasta which ate up a lot of time, but then I realized there are that many channels that have people reading them out that I figured I could play games, while still listening to some good scary stories! lol

A few older games that I adored when I was younger are as follows!
Playstation - Azure Dreams - I can't remember how long I spent playing that game, but I loved every minute playing it until the disk got scratched too much and became unreadable, I just loved the whole battling while ascending floors in the tower, I think that was probably one of my favourite games of all time.

Playstation - Hogs of War - This was a game very pretty much the same as worms 3D, but instead of worms it was pigs in war outfits, they even got Rik Mayall to do the voice over for the narration of the characters, once again another game that I don't own anymore, but it did make me laugh a lot!

Playstation - Tomba 2 - This was probably one of the first platformers I actually played when I got my first playstation, I adored the characters and spent many a day playing the levels, everytime I hear the Green day Warning album it brings back memories of mindlessly playing this game!

Currently though I'm actually very happy with Rimworld on PC, it is a top-down construction and management game. You pretty much start off with 3 survivors and your aim is to build a colony, avoid raids by other factions and gather up resources to either build or make your way to a spaceship to escape the planet. As much as I love this game, it is a pain in the arse at times, depending on what settings you use the game can be very unfair, but that is one of the reasons I like it.

How about you, what are your favourite games?
Anatomy of a Zombie's avatar

Report | 08/16/2019 9:34 am

Anatomy of a Zombie

Yeah I had a look yesterday, it was actually on my Top picks, I had a look and it was an 98% match so I think it would be my cup of tea! lol Although today I had to go watch the new Invader Zim - Enter the Florpus movie. It makes me realize how much I actually missed that cartoon, I forgot how adorable GIR could be at times! razz
I just play on PC, lately I've mainly been playing Overwatch, although that tends to be the only multiplayer game I play, as for the rest I tend to just stick to single player! razz
How about yourself? smile
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