Hai! My name is Amber, I am 18 years old, female, & happily taken. I love music and have an unhealthy affair with my clarinet. I'm currently heading to collage for web design and happy to be on my way~ I love the 8th and 9th doctors and I hope he'll come take me on a trip soon. That or I'll be on my way to Hogwarts.
If I don't know you I'd rather talk to you a bit until I add you (Don't want any creepers ≧σ≦).So don't be to shy to talk a little. Also If you like Monster Hunter your pretty much already hooked up. ●ω●
The most imaginative people are the most credulous, for them everything is possible.
-Alexander Chase
-Alexander Chase
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thank you heart heart
you seem pretty cool yourself
p.s. Kick a** profile song.
I'd love to take your inks if you don't need them hun =3
1 - Noble Plumage: 106k/330k
2 - Lyndexer's Journal
3 - Flight of The Macaw
4 - Padmavati's Lotus
5 - Coco Kitty - BOUGHT