This Is Me
Hello. Welcome to my pro.
I am currently married t an army man. We have a son that now is an angel and another one on the way. Oh and it's going to be a little girl!
4laugh Ok, I wouldn't say my personality is normal or insane... its a mix and it really doesn't even it's self out at all. One word I like to describe my personality is "Confusing." Even for me. He he. My friends love me for it though.
4laugh I'm a perv and I love it, but i do control myself. I like both men and women. Mostly women. It's just more fun to like both. Ya, I seen a lot of different things and I'm accepting of just about everything.
You can sit me in front of the most bloody, it will give you nightmares for life movies and just be laughing or watching it. I can also sit through those movies eating with out a problem. So far only the
Pet Cemetery has made me want to up-chuck and then
White Noise made me jump out of my seat. Lol. My favorite horror movie types are ZOMBIES! I love zombies there funny. Then I think my favorite movie of all time is Jurassic Park, which went way beyond the book.
RP Addict.
razz Oh visit my page more. I may draw you!
I am pregnant with a little girl...
I hope we get along...
I don't have much luck with girls unless online or bi-polor or somewhere along the lines of that.
Me and normal don't get along.
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(I only say that because my avi looks more like a lil sis...xD )
Today I was mistaken as younger than I actually am----TWICE! by two different people...xD
They both thought I was 18... I'm actually 24..xDDDDD
except, the instructor had yet to announce when the exam was.. so when they asked me what day, I responded, "that's a good question."
They kinda knew the situation as I had mentioned a bit of it and then after one of the secretaries didn't look too pleased with my response (wasting her time) I told them that the doc had prescribed vicodin for the pain....
Then they all laughed saying I'm just too adorable...xDDDDD
((its almost like being drunk without actually drinking (the bf says i'm probably high...xDDDD))
School is going good though.
YOU MUST SHOW PICS!!! (though my bf might not like it..xDD When I see cute babies I want one or a dozen of my [though right now is REALLY not a good time to get preggo due to gallbladder..xD ))
Is it a boy or a girl?
When are you due?
What names have you come up with?
What colors are you going to go with?
Are you going to a hospital or have the baby at home?
I can't wait to see him or her.