Not much to say really. I've been there and done that, but quite possibly won't ever do it again.Some stuff I've said that has made people laugh, crazy like.
"Something witty... Something witty... AH I GOT IT! Your only as fat as the pants you wear make you. That's why some folks wear skinny... SKIIINNNNYYYYY jeans. I mean like crotch rot capable jeans."
"My toasters ONLY TWO settings - "Burnt" or "Non-existent"
"I didn't smack you... I high-fived your face! There's a difference, trust me you would feel more pain than love."
"Here's something to help you laugh today:
Imagine a fat, like obese to the maximum man driving. But not any old car no, this car has to be a tiny bright pink VW Bug from the 1970's. But that's not all, he's wearing plaid and drinking from a tiny coffee cup, and you know isn't the healthiest drink on the menu.
Now the sad part, how many of you can now imagine a hoard of these guys at a golf course?"
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-KKxRachelxKK, look me up if u wanna b***h at me. Eat me.