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My Birthday is November 19th! Im turning 17! Im ******** Old As Sin!

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Me llamas Kendra!
Yeah Im in Spanish 1 this year, So I know few words in Hispanic. Well this year I am a Jr. Oh yeah Go HUSKIES! Yeah we are the Huskies and I can say I like my school, a lot. I am 16 and I live with my Aunt Brenda (She is awesome), Uncel Terry (He is an a** at time but I love him), My cousin Tori (Like a little weird sister thing), and little Troy Paul (Oh how I want to hurt you at times). I have an older sister Kalyn (kay-lin)Her name is spelt weird) She is a very important part of my life. Although at times I just want to... punch her.... Anyways I have a dad that is not ment to take care of children. I may tell you why later if I get to know you. And My mother has passed away on March, 2, 02. It was hard at first but as time passes so does the pain. On a happier note I am doing well and am happy!

Muy Important! I love my friends to death! Let see whom can I name... Kalyn, Tori, Blaine, Maria, Mellissa, Bryton, Kati, Cassie, Tasha, Kris, Jesica, Alan, Soap, Louis, Ashley, Wyatt, April, Emily, Ben, Sean and tons of other people! Tell me to add you! I may not know your name or just dont think your worthy! Which It probley the first one. Anyway I would have no place really without them.

I love comments! Comment me everyday to make me happy. :]

Is a thing I have that just wont go away. Its like a dog really... It will follow you and when you forget about it, it bites you in the a** and forces you to pay attention. Its a weird metaphor I know. Manga is.... different I dont like it. I will read it but will lose intrest fast. I know weird... Its like a bird... lmao just kidding no more metaphor...

Im Weird I know but you love it! :]

I am afraid of so manny things it is un-normal. Examples: Spiders, Monkeys, Heights, Bugs, Flying objects, French People... yeah thats abou it I think. Don't ask about the last one. Anyway I hate them all equally, well not really hate, I am afriad of them. Like piss your pants afraid! I know... un-normal.

I say everything and anything. I am perverted and crude at the same time. I know when to be polite and I know when not to give a flying ********! Yeah you heard me! Well read me! I have imaginary balls that are most likely bigger than your own and I kick major a**! Yeah! Well anyways when I get pissed, I get pissed and I will yell at anything and I tend to over do it, but even when not mad I can take things a little to far. So If I ever do, please point it out, I may be like ******** no! But Just Point this out (Remind me) That I wrote this.

Yeah. I dont have a job but I want one at the moment. I want to work at this coffee shop in town called Shotz. I love the mellow mood there and I actually like fast paced jobs. I need to be doing something. And Shotz, being the best coffee shop in town has a lot of things to do. I sure after 3 moths of working there I will hate it, But at least I can say I have a job.

I spell so much s**t wrong I have nightmares. Not really but you think I would. I dont really care if I do or not but I hate when people point it out. Not when the person is sitting behind me (well I do a little but I do the same thing) But when someone has to quote you and be like "Oh you spelt bla bla bla wrong" But you know what. Well no you dont because I am telling you what "what" is. I do the same thing. So you really just spent a few moments of your time reading this that could have been used helping you earn gold by postin in the CB or something. But no, you are reading this, my thoughts that have no real meaning. Well I guess I will let you go now. Have a nice day and
COMMENT MY ******** PROFILE b***h!

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Hello MaryMurder-Mythrill Halo
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Possesive-November Birthstone Crown
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