I Keep Ped0philez In My Pants To Scare Off Small Children .
I love: zombies,
true love♥, skinny jeans,
sexual music, spring, dress up(: ,
long walks, sparkly things<3 ,shiny objects<33,
smores, music(: ,
boys, girls, rainy days, band t-shirts,
high fives, hugs, pen*s, vag*na,
hot topic, jackets,
random noise, outside, Domo c; ,
chocolate, mirrors,
sharpies, oceans, the word 'darling', V necks,
guitar players, diamonds, sour patch kids, tattoos,
ring pops, strawberry pop-tarts, loud music,
starbucks, gummy bears<3 , youtube,
accents, sunny d,
apple juice,
mitchell davis, des and nate,
big cities, sleeping all day,
staying up all night, saturday mornings,
driving at night[: ,new york, people who care,
deathnote[: ,gorillaz,
gore movies, cameras, french, kisses[:,
pickles, crazy things, coaster rides, friends<3 ,computers,
doing what I love,
pandas!, barefeet[:, random, sharp things,
sweet dreams, milkshakes, concerts, hanging with friends,
singing, the word: Scrumptious, NeverShoutNever!,
Christopher Drew<3 ,birthdays[: ,spin swords,
Japan, anime/manga
razz ,
falling in love, snow,
listening to the rain,
bubble baths, giggling,
long conversations at night, the beach,
running in circles, laughing at an inside joke,
just plain laughing, someone telling you that your beautiful[: ,
first kisses<3, making new friends, spending time with old friends,
playing with a new puppy, shape of clouds,
hot chocolate, road trips,
holding hands, sunrise, sunset,
sunny day, cuddling,
baby smell, kittens,
sand between toes,
cupcakes, hearts,
concerts, boys with long hair[: , candy,
dancing in the rain<3 ,
bright colors, piercings, out going people, hello kitty,
photography, &alotmore[:
I dislike: bad hair days D:, liars, cheaters, being bored, ignorant little bitches, bugs,
mean people, "players", people that fish for compliments,
back stabbers, school pride, douche bags, school,
man whores, being alone]: ,
clowns, retards, learning,
justin beiber, high places, plastic stuff, pollution, stuck ups,
cheerleaders, secrets, waking up early,
medicine, teachers,
lost i-Pod, serious people, forgotten birthdays & loves,
drunk abusive people, holiday music, nasty ketchup, the government!,
animal abusers, slow drivers,
animal testing, pop-ups, internet explorer,
american idol, gossip/drama, flip phone,
repetitive songs, people who cant make up their mind,
labels, people who think their the hottest person alive,
people who judge, fighting,
unpeacefulness, war, haters, people who call themselves fat, bossy people,
miley cyrus, &alotmore[: