I was a senior in high school, but I am a graduate as of right now and I plan on majoring in New Media when I go to collage. I did go to a Career Center (or tech) School, and I was taking a Digital Media class there along with my other academic classes. I do know a little Japanese from when I took a semester course of it on Rosetta Stone, and I love to sketch and draw. I also like manga and anime, but you probably already can tell. Oh and fun fact, I'm a triplet too. (^_^)
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Yea, I've already heard of those two, but I was like, "Not gonna spoil myself before I watch the anime!"
yea I'm an annoying nerd who considers even the OPs and EDs spoilers
So like, has Mekakucity Actors finished airing?
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd If they have anime camp again im totally going, but i don't know if they are. crying crying crying crying scream scream Hopefully they will. I MISS MY CAMP BUDDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crying
love every minute of it cause it goes reall REALLY fast