Neka Hatake

Neka Hatake's avatar

Last Login: 11/11/2016 3:56 pm

Registered: 01/27/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Konoha

Birthday: 08/10/1993

Occupation: Ninja


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Hello, my name is Neka Sarano. (no duh) im part human, part cat. my true from is a human with cat ears, tail, whiskers, claws, and fangs. i have the ability to turn into a full human or full cat. im scared of everything, but especially big dogs, bugs, thunder, bugs, loud noises, bugs, things that pop out of nowhere, bugs, and many other things but mostly BUGS!!! i like shiny things, string, and pretty much anything ur cat at home would like. (except pounce cat treats. i tried 1 and, though it said it was made with real tuna, it tasted nothing like tuna! it was worse than play dough!) my one true love is KAKASHI HATAKE!!! if he has a middle name, i plan 2 give i 2 my 1st child! if not ill still love him! YAY KAKASHI KUNS!!!


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DemonCatGirl's Diary

It's really just whatever pops into my head... (That means it's mostly about Kakashi!)


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LUPlN Report | 08/03/2009 10:28 pm
when people eat my meat pies i always thank them. the ones that eat and complain that they didn't like my pies( i just say oh deary i'm sorry. then i mention that if they need a hair cut the could get a discount upstairs at mr todd's barbar shop). i so like giving customers that are rude the heads up. well i can not chat any longer. must get busy cooking these meat pies. it is almost time for lunch.<3

- that's the kind of creepy person i would be. what about you?
comment me back and send your message or my message
to your peoples. Be an original weirdo! Good Luck!

Reason why I sent this message:ur face is ugly
sexydesired2 Report | 01/23/2008 12:26 am
Hello my friend long time lol! So how u been? I hope that ur doing great as of me Im so so lol! had an accident a month ago and broke my leg and almost die but i survive so now Im here sayin Hi to u lol! Miss u alot! User Image
Neka Hatake Report | 10/26/2007 9:55 am
Neka Hatake

hello everybody! im making a new account and not using this 1 anymore. i liked my old name so i changed this name and gave the new account my old name: Neka Sarano. so please add my new account 2 ur friends list. thank you ^^
sexydesired2 Report | 09/17/2007 10:43 pm
Hello my friend long time no seen! LOL It's me sandy here to show ur page some luv from this side of Cali! hehehe! And also to invite u to my end of the summer party here on gaia this coming sunday and I will be giving out acouple of monthly collectible in the raffle so if ur interested in attendin let me no no later then thursday K! O and u can invite all ur friends if u want but remember I need avi's names so they 2 have an opportunity in winning K !
sexydesired2 Report | 08/10/2007 7:42 pm
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LOL!Kakashi stop by to say happy Birthday! Kool
sexydesired2 Report | 08/10/2007 7:38 pm
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Your Date! LMAO
sexydesired2 Report | 08/10/2007 7:29 pm
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Almost forgot the balloons! LOL
sexydesired2 Report | 08/10/2007 7:27 pm
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You can say that ur friend sandy didn't remember the cake! LOL
sexydesired2 Report | 08/10/2007 7:24 pm
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A big hug for my bestfriend! Hope that your "B"Day be the best day ever!
Phenex163 Report | 07/31/2007 9:38 am
LMAO! I remember that! Mr. head....LOL!!! good times.....sorry 'bout that. Hyper off of frapachino!!!! wheee ^^

what are you going to do now that you have a bf? I mean with the whole Kakashi thing....Detective Yoko could try and help but I dont know how much help she could be...User Image


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plz donate! XD

Neka Hatake

I Love Kakashi!

Mini apples!