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Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/28/2009 6:18 pm


No D:

iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/28/2009 5:58 pm


Hello o 3o
comicfairy's avatar

Report | 06/28/2009 5:24 pm


Thank ya kindly.
Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/28/2009 6:17 am



Xavenii's avatar

Report | 06/28/2009 12:33 am


Vanessa.. You. Are. Adorable.
iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 11:23 pm


Okay. Hopefully I'll be happier tomorrow ^^
Night night, Thx for listening to my multiple rants...
iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 11:19 pm


It happens more often than people know :/

Mmm.. Not exactly drama, but... like, emotions, thoughts...

I had this thought earlier today. And ever since it popped into my head, I haven't stopped thinking about it.
I know I'm young, I know I have a good life, but I feel like my life has really no purpose.
I'm not suicidal, so don't think that. But without having a meaning to live, than what's the point? You just live.. for nothing?
You go through all of the pain, all of the happiness, good times and bad times, just to die.
And if the bible is true, I'm going to Hell for just being bisexual.
And if there is no God, then Wtf happens when we die? We just fade away and become nothing?
I asked my friend Tyler what he thinks my meaning in life is at this time, and he told me To Help Others, Show others their mistakes and help them fix those mistakes, and to help them feel better and be happier.
Well idk.. maybe he's right. But lately I haven't been my usual Friendly to everyone, put everyone else before myself Type of person.
So I don't know if that's even the truth any more.

So yeah, that, and I'm lonely.

I think I'm done with my rant for now :/
Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 11:07 pm


xD I've literally got a headache.

Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 11:01 pm


User Image I dunno

iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 11:00 pm


Well I used to be really tight with my friend Chyna. Chyna has been my friend since fifth grade, and lately she's been changing.
She's been bitchy, acts like she doesn't care about what she does or even about her friends, and is a total pothead.
See, Kirstie and Kristen used to be major potheads. I remember three days in a row they got high, and every time I talked to them in those three days, they were high.
But now Kirstie is trying to quit completely, and Kristen is trying to cut back on it.
Chyna has been up in New Jersey for at least a week now, and she's apparently been texting Kristen bragging about how stoned out of her ******** mind she's been getting since she's been up there, and it's pissing Kristen off.

Also, me and Kirstie broke up I think about two weeks ago. Well, that day was the day that all of us hung out together.
Later that day, Gabby tried to get ahold of Chyna, but Chyna wasn't home, and wasn't texting anyone.
Turns out that she had left and gone to her pothead Uncles for the whole weekend without telling anyone and without bothering to text anyone.
So that pissed everyone off.
And when she got back (this is all from what I've been told), she saw Kirstie walking the street.
She ran up to her and didn't even say hello. No, she said that she needed to ask her an important question.
Apparently she wanted weed from Kirstie's hippy next door neighbors to take along with her to New Jersey, where she was going to be for a week or more with the same pothead uncle.
Well she didn't get it from them, but obviously she got it from Someone..

And a week or so ago, me and Kristen and Gabby got into an argument, because either Gabby or Kristen were lying to me, and I was making a big deal out of it because I was stressed and wanted to know the truth.
Well Chyna actually texted me back, and I told her I was pissed. She asked why, and I told her it was a long story and if I could call her.
She said No, and that she was busy. And then she said she had to go.
Well I kept trying to explain to her what had happened but she never texted me back.
She ended up getting pissed about that.
And when she heard about the fight, she wanted to know what all started it, and I told her a little. Then she texted me telling me that Kristen had just called her and explained everything.
So then I dropped it and didn't explain any more because I thought that Kristen did the explaining.
Then Chyna got PISSED at me and started bitching at me that I didn't tell her the full story and that I lied and all that s**t.
It took all I could to keep from screaming at her.
Kristen put us on 3-way during that convo and she stayed quiet so Chyna wouldn't know she was there, but she eventually spoke up and helped back me up.

And last night Kristen called me because she was pissed, because Kristen was talking to her and Chyna's friend Christian and was telling him how she might have a party some time soon.
He asked if she would invite Chyna, and she said probably not.
He asked why, and she said what I've been saying too, which is that Me and Chyna aren't that tight any more.
Well Christian goes back and tells Chyna that Kristen said that she isn't Chyna's friend any more

Apparently Chyna randomly texted Kristen and was like WTF so what we aren't ******** friends any more?!
And Kristen explained the mix up and Chyna was basically like, Ugh, whatever. I don't need to deal with this drama. I'm at a party. BYE.

She's been doing s**t like that a lot lately.
Like with the thing with Gabby and why I was pissed, I told her I kept trying to explain it to her and her answer was just Well I'm in New Jersey, I don't need to deal with this drama.
If that's the case then she should shut her damn mouth and not get involved.

Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:59 pm


Phone o3o

Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:38 pm



iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:35 pm


Thank youu...
Okay so that has been on my mind, because I'm sad and yet I'm happy at the same time.

Another thing is that.. Well, i'm not exactly a jealous type, but I definitely am with my ex..
I know for a fact she still likes me (not sure about love...) and I know for a fact she likes my friend Tyler..
Well, I know Tyler well enough to know that he is a liar and a cheater.
Well my ex is about to get more minutes for her phone so that she can text again.
Well last time she could text, she had been flirting with both me AND Tyler.
And that was when Tyler had a girlfriend...
So when she gets minutes again, I know she will be talking to Tyler a lot.
And I feel almost greedy, because I don't want her to move on. I still want her to myself.
And who knows, maybe Tyler would make her happy..
But it's the fact that I'm extremely jealous and also that I'm worried about her that I talked to Tyler tonight.
While we were texting, I randomly asked him if he could make me a promise that he will swear to keep.
He agreed, so I went on and told him I know Kirstie (my ex) likes you. Idk how much, and idk if you like her back. But if you end up flirting with her or maybe even dating her, please don't hurt her..
He said Sure, but 1.Idk if he meant it, 2.Idk if he will even remember making the promise, because he was ******** stoned at the time :C

So yeah, therapist topic number 2.My jealously and concern over Kirstie.
Any comments? And should i go on? =P
Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:34 pm


Over the Hedge :3

Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:32 pm



iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:21 pm


Me and my ex have kind of became that... ^^;
But when you think of ******** Buddies, you think of a physical bond.
Well yeah, we have that bond, but that emotional bond is still there.
She still cares about me and I still care about her.
Hell, I cried my eyes out while hugging her the other day.
-We had been talking about the whole ******** buddy idea, and I told her how I wasn't sure.
I told her it was because I didn't want to kiss her or do anything more than kissing her without knowing that she doesn't love me the same way I love her..
Then she basically told me that she wanted me to move on, because she didn't want to hurt me again.
She's told me that before, but idk why it hit me so hard as it did when she said it that time.
Maybe it the tone in her voice, maybe it was the way she looked into my eyes. I'm not sure.
Well she could tell that I was sad, she she pulled me to her and hugged her.
And I ruined her shirt ^^; I cried all over her shoulder...
Then I looked at her and said Can I tell you something? And I don't expect a response or answer or comment or anything.. Well of course she said yeah.
I said I love you.. I just want you to know that... I still do..
She frowned and looked away, and I looked away to.
I said, I won't say it again..
And I could tell that after I said those words, something changed about her.
Her whole face changed, and she looked like she was going to cry too.
I asked her what was wrong and she looked at me and said I want to say it back, but.. I can't..
And we stood there holding each other for like.. ever....

But yeah.. After many talks and stuff... we're ******** buddies..
And my friend Kristen, who is the only one that knows about all of this, keeps telling me that I'm just going to get hurt again.
And I know she's right, but at the moment I am trying to enjoy being close to my ex and just enjoy everything while it lasts.
But I'm already hurting (I have for a while, actually. I've just buried the hurt deep inside so people can't see it..)
And i'm really lonely.

Dude, are ya sure you wanna be the therapist?
I got a lot of explaining to do eek
Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:19 pm


D; I'm my boyfriend's raccoon :c

Gnawty's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:08 pm


;~; I don't think my boyfriend would like that :c

iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:05 pm


Okay, thing number onnnneee...

(don't judge please :C )

You know what a ******** buddy is?
iwantapetdinosaur's avatar

Report | 06/27/2009 10:03 pm


Yeahh :C Same.
I've had enough drama for this whole ******** year and starting last year.
I can't take it any more.

Can you be my temporary therapist? :3
Because I got a lot on my mind.

And I'm also sad at this moment because I made my friend Tyler promise me something important that I'm not sure if he's even aware of the fact that he promised me it cause he was stoned at the time...
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