Hello and welcome to my profile. ^^If you are here you are either my friend or saw me around and wanted to get to know me. If you do not know me, I'll fill you in on the details.
I'm a female of the age 14. The sad truth is that my life has been really emo since I was about five years old, but I'm far from being emo myself. I actually love my life. =3 Wouldn't change it for anything. I live in Iceland, but I hate how my country is run. I love the country itself, just not the government and stuff ...
Mom begs me to move out of the country and go somewhere else. She loves that I want to travel to USA and visit my uncle there and be there for about two months. I don't think I could move, I'd miss my best friend too much.
As I write this I am single, woohoo, and proud of it. There are people I love. Monika, TwoStar, is one. She's like my sister. I love her to death. *Clings to*
Another person is Oliver, Oli. xD Just something about him that makes me adore him. Like a big bother. ^^ Luff you, Oli. =D
Who else? Oh, Jordan. She doesn't come on Roliana much, but we're close. ^^ Known her for a long time.
There are also bunch of people I know here that I like really much.
Jessie, Lolita, BakedPotato, Ino (even if she left), Dj (even if he's naughty xD ) and my mind is blank right now, but there are a lot of people. =P
Well, I joined Roliana ages ago. I've never been 100% active on the site ... I always drop in and out of being obsessed and not being obsessed. Reason, my obsessions never last very long. =P
I'm the owner of Under the Rainbow. =3 Thread for people into own gender. Names of sexualities don't really matter to me. I'm pansexual myself, if anyone wants to know.
About my personality a bit. I'm really strange, odd, and down right weird. I'm proud of that, actually. I'm overly honest and nice and it often gets my in trouble. xD Even if someone were to hold a knife against my throat, I could not be mean to the person. =P Well, I'd try to save my life, of course and then apologise and run like hell ...
Anyway, I rarely hate people, but they never know when I do. I just don't like making people sad or keeping secrets from them. =O
I have a special kind of humour and it's one that you either love to death or just don't understand. =P I think I can be quite funny, but I also like serious conversations. ^^
So, want to know more? ;D Just ask. =3
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What the item name U're Wing angel ???