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Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 08/01/2009 8:20 am

Kitai Sho

do itashi mashite smile
wht time do u usually be online ?
shinnnobuuu's avatar

Report | 08/01/2009 3:15 am


no need to it's an awesome profile...hehe....arigato!...DATTEBAYO!
shinnnobuuu's avatar

Report | 08/01/2009 2:48 am


cool profile!....aku tak tau yang kau tau cite gakuen alice or alice academy...weh! sebalah cite tora dara tu cite ape? dan bawah tora dora cite ape?
ll Memory ll's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 10:03 pm

ll Memory ll

Still at jeddah..two more days and im going bac to Malaysia!!!!
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:34 pm

Kitai Sho

gi kat my gaia on the top.
then click account settings.then gi bawah at bahagian account.
pastu ade change username: [username kaw]
kaw edit kt tmpat username name yg kaw nak.
pastu kaw kene letak password kau kalau nk change.
pastu click save all changes.

p/s:kalau nk tuka username,kene bayar gold 10,00.
tapi kaw ade peluan 2 kali untok tuka,free.
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:46 am

Kitai Sho

delete comment aku yg tadi dulu! mm mkay..bye ='(
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:39 am

Kitai Sho

best la tuu.leh jadi narutard! jln satu compound pakai headband naruto.orang arab takot punye.kahkahkah
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:37 am

Kitai Sho

a'ah.12 lebeyh.banyak lgi ak mimpi tpi lupe sbb banyak tmpt.and ak mase tu ade jalan2 ngn sabrina kt sand village.pelik dowhh.
tmpt tuka2 mse ak mimpi.
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:35 am

Kitai Sho

umm.sumpah weyh.kite mimpi mase tu syasya masuk kt satu almari kecil,kecil gle smpi bdn xleh msok.
tpi ble syasya pegang je bende tu,dye trmasok ke dalam.ak pon terkejot and sabrina pun termasok skali.ak nk masok pastu ble ak msok je ak nmpak naruto kt midvalley.haha [mimpi kan kadang2 tuka tempat and kan mimpi plek]
pastu ak trjumpe gaara kt kedai mamak.
tetibe ak trbangon azan subuh.haha.
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 9:28 am

Kitai Sho

do itashi mashite wa daijobu.
translation:welcome and it's fine.
by the way,klu i reply late,mknenye komputer kte ade problem keyh.
tpi kte on blek laa.cume kene tggu je =p
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:53 am

Kitai Sho

Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:50 am

Kitai Sho

fanfiction nie mcm orang tu,buat crite gune crite org len.bkn curik.dye mcm create new characters for the anime and buat crite dye dlm anime tu jgak.mcm ape yg kite buat la.kn kite tgh tulis cerite tntg kite dlm dunie naruto.faham? smile
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:43 am

Kitai Sho

ahh.forget about it -_-
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:33 am

Kitai Sho

ahha..no comment.[kehkehkeh]
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:26 am

Kitai Sho

whyyyy!?? T^T
awk ske bce love story..? >//<
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:24 am

Kitai Sho

agagagaaga.ok la tuh.klu xnk wt in a silent way. buat dorang rival je laa.
haha.cm aku ngan kazuma xp

leh teka sape lgi sorang?
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:21 am

Kitai Sho

haha.awk ske bace fanfictions ek?
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:11 am

Kitai Sho

ahha.woa mcm sakura.haha.will be looking for ur character's look! =D
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:07 am

Kitai Sho

die pakai:
black ninja pants [with chains kt poket]
black hoodie-jacket without sleeves.
black ninja shoes.
kt tangan dye,dye pakai mcm sasuke.tpi kale hitam and putih.
headband dye kt chains dye skali.dye ikatkan kt pocket dye skali ngan chain.[pocket blah kiri]

umm.tu je kowt ? =p
Kitai Sho's avatar

Report | 07/31/2009 8:03 am

Kitai Sho

em x.dye x prnah ade crush.kwn rpt sume laki.prmpuan x bnyk sgt ckp.
ade skali tu naruto tnye dye if dye pernah fell in love. [mse tuu ade shikamaru.men shogi]
pastu emi kate "nope"
pastu dye kate "oh..is it bcos ure a tomboy"?
shikamaru: "o-oii"
akemi:well,that's one of the reason [she said bluntly]
naruto and shikamaru tgk kt dye trkejot then.
naruto tanye kenape prempuan pileyh 2 laki kadang2.
pastu emi ckp "depends wht kind of person la.the girl might love the guy bcos of his personality while she must have loved the other bcos of looks.
then naruto ckp thanks and ran away somewhere.
shikamaru diam and pandang je.then emi ckp well,can't i be motivated sumtimes? [die lazy]
then shikamaru senyum.

umm.ade 2 org ske emi.tpi kaw kene teka.aku xnk spoil crite ak sndiri :p
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