The name Nathaniel Mea comes from my first ever real table top RP character with the same name. I usually play him when I RP here on Gaia...
He has a scar that covers the left side of his face. It's like a burn that took his eye entirely... in the Gaia version of Nat it only blinded his eye. His trademark is his long blood-red hair that reaches down to his bum.
He's a mercenary and knows his work. He's a ruthless killer and takes his contracts seriously.
He's also very fond of sex... but that's for other RPs then the ones on Gaia ^^;;
Other things..
And what I hate most?
When people say it's easy to draw anime.
Sure it's easy to draw anime.
But can you draw it well?Scout Taromaki
Trix Starlight
Scout Taromaki
GCD, the forum of genius.
lol I'm putting that in my sig. xD
So your afraid of:
A. You going to hell for hanging out with someone different
B. Getting raped by gay people and/or
C. Getting raped by a bunch of gay people and liking it.
I say C for you boy.
FleepGate 2007
Traitor or Not?
The journal of my avatar and myself. What is going on in my character's head and what I do IRL. Where I live and what I do for a living, things like that. Some links to good pages and artists.
My DevinartArt and My Tumblr and Art Tumblr
Original 05 Grombie
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