Please note my name has FOUR i's in it!This is very important because people often confuse me with Keiii, Keiiiii or Keiiiiii, all of whom have nothing to do with me.
Say "hour" to a raindrop, and it will hear "eternity."
Me and Gaia.
Random facts about my Gaia addiction:
arrow I love the Art Contest forum. Participating in art contests is one of my favorite activities on Gaia, though I haven't been very active there lately due to time constraints.
arrow This is my first and main account. I have a couple of mules, too.
arrow I finished my Angelic Halo quest in 2008. The fund was gathered mostly by winning art contests, then when I was about to give up the quest due to the difficulty of finding a legit seller, someone finally put up their halo for sale at the Exchange. I grabbed it with both hands. surprised
arrow My first big quest was Mini Nitemare Wings, completed in 2006 with the help of a few other artists. I tackled every subsequent quest on my own, but I feel the success of my first was what really gave me the confidence and the optimism necessary to undertake long quests.
arrow I occasionally post at the MPT. Come and join the ultimate quest for a million page thread!
your art is inspirational and beautiful! you probably have heard it a million times but damn you're talented as hell! xDDD lol!!!
Im gonna call you The Beast Artist on gaia because seriously you have some mad skills. jesus! your art is glowing in my eyes!!!
Hey Keiiiii ;___; my friend said you might of left gaia. I went to check and it says you haven't logged in, in over a month.
I hope everything is okay on your end! since last time you were on you were sick ): So i hope you're okay!!!!
Um....I'm not sure tho what to do about the trade ><; I think i'll cancel for now? and if and when you come back I can resend? That is if you still wanna finish the pieces!! (Since Gaia gold has inflated so high @___@)
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Im gonna call you The Beast Artist on gaia because seriously you have some mad skills. jesus! your art is glowing in my eyes!!!
I hope everything is okay on your end! since last time you were on you were sick ): So i hope you're okay!!!!
Um....I'm not sure tho what to do about the trade ><; I think i'll cancel for now? and if and when you come back I can resend? That is if you still wanna finish the pieces!! (Since Gaia gold has inflated so high @___@)
nice job.