worthless information
My name isn't important. All you have to know is that I don't tolerate flamers, people who aren't willing to see both sides of a story, and homophobes. My best friend is a bisexual and I'm not afraid to kick anyone's a** if you make her cry! She is amazing! A bit of a loner. But so am I. What brightens up my day is when I can make her laugh, smile, and her knowing she can be just herself around me. I have this talent of utterly confusing people. Even myself. People have mistaken me for having a split personality. Thats not true! I just have conversations with myself. I do have a boyfriend. He is a gentleman. I have an editing min-shop. My biggest pet peeve is poorly written works of writing. Bad grammar doesn't exist in my world. I also believe books are people. So that means we should treat them with respect.
What you should not do to a book:
1. fold in half. (i will quite literally grab that book and not give it back until you promise to take good care of it)
2. dogtag the corners (eeeeeeekkkkk! there is no punishment for this sin.)
3. roll the cover and pages back while you are reading. (i will faint)
4. leaving a book open. (i will close it if i find a book like that.)
5. burning it. (biggest sin ever)
there. now oyu know my weaknesses. i will go insane if i see a maltreated book. if i find out you do these atrocities, BEWARE!!!!! i will find out where you sleep... lol. now back to reading.
My motto: If you think you are important, then nothing else can top that.
what I strive for!
I found my Edward Cullen............. Have you?
avi art done by Rocker_of_death Fairy

QUESTING!!! A 30k banner for an editing shop.
crazy comments, complaints, you name it, we ship it! lol.
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its so shiny!
Um duh! We could meet after either mine or rachels shift one day...racheal has them on monday and fridays....or maybe Wednesday you know when none of us are doing anything...I think Emma's gone away for vacation...and I'm going away next week on Thursday for a week so yeah...whatever you want to do whenever just after next week...and my grandmas here so it may be a little hard for me to sneak away to hang out...oh and dude get this my aunt sent me underwear as a gift...lol XD that was the biggest lol moment of my life...don't worry I'll save some candies for you...my cousins where to lazy to ever put anything together for you...I'll share!
Love you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots.... (you get the idea)