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Please refer to the information below if you wish to know about me.

How to understand me

Before sending a friend request read this!

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Final Fantasy 7

Check Out My Final Fantasy VJ! Just click on the picture below

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Mydis's avatar

Last Login: 05/07/2016 9:32 am

Registered: 08/04/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Greensboro, NC

Birthday: 11/17

Personal Website


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Queen Has Revenge Report | 03/30/2012 10:37 am
Queen Has Revenge
Hey, thats what you need to do smile If homeland doesn't help or believe in your goals, how will you achieve them? I know first hand what it's like =/ Gotta do, what you gotta do...
But im glad your pushing to achieve. im proud n-n
I've been really good, more piercings, more tattoos xD Boyfriend is saving up for a ring for me >w> hehehe~
charmed352 Report | 02/18/2012 9:09 am
haha yeah im not on as much anymore i tend to take breaks and then come back and then take breaks and come back haha
i cant seem to stay away permanatly
Queen Has Revenge Report | 12/10/2011 9:36 pm
Queen Has Revenge
dont worry about it :') i kinda get on and off of gaia here and there.. i just got skyrim so i have like no life anymore xD
ohhhh i seee. think your gonna make it?
Queen Has Revenge Report | 11/17/2011 5:52 pm
Queen Has Revenge
happy birthday!!! :'D
~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~ Report | 10/24/2011 10:54 am
~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~
Yep yep it was for Resort World. ^ ^
Twisted Ruin Report | 10/06/2011 10:52 pm
Twisted Ruin
Lulf Report | 09/06/2011 11:01 pm
btw thanks for the birthday wish smile my bday was the 6th so you were actualy early not late xD
Lulf Report | 09/06/2011 11:00 pm
thats awesome :'D what all types of acting have you done? and what all are you gonna get into by moving?
charmed352 Report | 09/03/2011 5:26 pm
like the avi? haha i made it cause my old one didnt go with the present and i wanted to wear it xd
charmed352 Report | 09/02/2011 2:55 pm
sorry for late response i have been super busy and havent been able to log on until now but thanks for the happy birthday and the gift heart



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Mydis ~ The Entertainer

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I am an Entertainer....

The pictures below are a just few from my journey to being an entertainer

So far I have only used about 30% of my talent....but below I will post my abilities.

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Acting - Cosplay Modeling - Costume Making - Stage Preparation
Martial Artist - Martial Arts Choreography
Story Writing - Directing
Photography - Photo Editing - Graphic Animation
Drawing - Sketching - Painting - Coloring
Music Production - Vocalist - Lyrics Writing
Dancing - Dance Choreography

Colored Pencil - Sketch of Kasumi
from Dead or Alive

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Stuff you should know

Click here to visit My OMG on Bebo

Before making any sudden moves read the statements below!

Updated 7/19/2010

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1. I usually don't have enough time to chat, so if you leave a private message please make it very brief.
2. If the message that you want to send is not to personal please leave a comment. If my profile is blocked leave a comment in my journal.
3. I DON'T DONATE! Why? Because I already give away over 400k(400,000) in prizes and gold every month in my guild.
4. If I accept your friend request and you send me "private messages" that are not important I will have to delete you from my friendslist.
5. You should not try to add me as a friend unless you have read all of this already, because I am going to ask you to read 1st.
6. I am a member of a lot of organizations, plus I run a guild on gaia so I get messages from a lot of people so don't get discouraged.
7. I usually answer messages and comments in the order that they were received, unless they are really critical.
8. Less than a handful of my friends are friends on gaia and in real life.
9. The rules in 1-5 are made to help me make gift/prize giving better for everyone involved with my guild or threads.

*If you have read this, you can send me a comment saying you have read it before/after you send a friend request.

My 1st Music Video

My Talent Expo Video

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Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


The tinyURL links to my journal and the image below is my favorite wardrobe

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The Best = Passion, Strength, Power, Wisdom, Courage, Discipline, Greed, Regret, Envy, Faith, Loss and Strategy.

Most of or all of these things make up someone who is the best
Where does your path lead?


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Visit my Official Raijin Profile by Clicking on the avatar below

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Video Cosplay in Gaia Towns pt.1

A Real Life Cosplay Event in my area


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It has begun! (August 4, 2007)

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Thats Me and Ray Park(aka Darth Maul) in this photo

That's just a costume

Check Out my Video's too!