
my-self-undone's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2007 6:52 am

Registered: 09/22/2006

Gender: Female



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Myself, Undone.

Her name is actually Rebecca, but she got bored of the c's.
Call her Beka.
She's younger than all her friends because of her stupid late-in-the-year birthday.
But that doesn't mean she isn't 135435413x more mature than you, a*****e.
She stands about 5'5.
She has freckles all over.
Her hair is naturally straight. And blonde.
She loves her green eyes.
She's bisexual. So what?
She doesn't want to grow up. But who does?
She swears a whole ******** lot.
She doesn't belong to anyone. She isn't an object.
She's stubborn as all hell. Don't waste your breath on advice, she isn't listening anyways.
She likes making her own decisions, even if they aren't the right ones.
She will make her own stupid ******** mistakes, thank you very much.
Go suck a lemon.
She hates the idea of "Trends" and "Fads"
She thinks people who try to stand out, just to fit in, should be brutally bludgeoned to death.
She used to be part of the minority.
Now it's the general teenage population.
She doesn't smoke, or do drugs.
She only drinks on special occasions. Deal with it.
She respects people who aren't affraid to be themselves.
It's a lot easier than trying to be someone else, ********.
She isn't affraid of anyone. Or anyones opinions.
She has opinions about absolutely everything.
No, she doesn't care if you don't want to hear them.
Too ******** bad, you're going to.
She's actually a real sweetheart. Honest.
She will always stand up for the people she loves.
Don't ******** around.
She's a hopeless romantic.
Just a few well selected words will sweep her off her feet.
She's a pushover.
She could stay awake in your arms all night, just talking to you.
Cuddling is by far the greatest thing ever invented.
She thinks making out is pritty much amazing too.
Watch it, she bites.
She loves piercings, they're godly.
However, she only has her ears (4x), her bellybutton, and her tongue web peirced at the momment.
Her parents are piercing nazi's.
The only kind of pain she can't stand is being burnt.
Keep that lighter the ******** away from her.
She isn't quite half as perfect as people seem to think she is.
She has a full mouth of braces.
Yeah, they're sharp.
She has asthma and it scares her when she can't breathe.
She hates fealing helpless.
She is allergic to cats, but owns two. Ironic.
Chances are they're cuter then your mom.
She loves to stare at the stars.
She believes in pretty much everything.
Love at first sight? Sure, why not.
You will rarely find her without a pack of gum shoved in her purse. She's addicted.
She's an individual.
She usually wears black, and rarely ever has matching socks. So sue her.
Call her a "Goth" and she'l probably punch you in the face.
Call her a "Poser" and she'll probably slaughter you.
She has no time for stupid, ignorant ******** people.
She thinks labelling one another is the biggest waste of time there is.
She loves doing her makeup and takes forever to get ready.
Galmour is a time killer.
She is an artist, and a poet.
She is a Wiccan by choice.
She isn't arrogant, but she knows she's pretty.
She's secretly in love with your best friend's third cousin, twice removed.
She thinks watching tv is the second biggest waste of time.
She's a ******** dork sometimes.
She watches Disney movies whenever she can.
She might as well be physically glued to her computer chair, because she lives on it anyways.
She is a gamer. X-box addiction? Yes, i think so.
She thinks gamers and nerds are sexy.
She has 698785638752x stuffed animals in her room.
She over exhaggerates. A lot.
She's a goofball and she knows it.
She collects random quotes and sayings.
Her friends mean everything to her.
She doesn't mind when random people add her to their friends list.
Lovely comments make her day. You should leave her some.

i dye my hair ; so i guess i seek attention
I wear make-up ; so I guess I'm fake
I've gossiped ; so I guess I talk s**t
I'm not a size 2 ; so i guess I'm fat
Ive bitched about something; so I guess Im a brat
I love you; so that makes me clingy
It goes your way; so I become a push over
I like long walks on the beach ; so I'm a hopeless romantic
I like to dance ; so i guess I'm a hoe
I say whats on my mind ; so i guess I'm ignorant
I cry ; so they call me high maintenience
I have told myself I'm beautiful ; I guess im conceited
I've done something perfect ; I guess I'm a show off
I broke a rule ; I'm a stupid rebellious teenager
I've been stabbed in the back; I guess I'm a drama queen
I'm loud and hyper ; so that makes me obnoxious
I get depressed ; so i guess Im emo
I have broken a promise ; so i guess I'm a b***h
I wear black ; so i guess Im a goth
I talk to your boyfriend ; so I guess I'm a tramp
I dress a certain way; i guess I'm a prep too
So throw me a label...
You'll do it anyway.


View All Comments

last mango in paradise Report | 11/23/2006 10:26 am

Do you have a spare couch, puddin?
Sweetpea0202 Report | 11/17/2006 6:41 am
I heart your irish looking pants :O
ps:you rock the scarf puppet
last mango in paradise Report | 11/13/2006 10:34 am
Expect samosa in the morrow of to. biggrin
Sweetpea0202 Report | 11/08/2006 6:54 am
hehee I heart You!
last mango in paradise Report | 11/04/2006 5:40 pm
You're too technologically inclined.

I hate/LOVE you.

Sweetpea0202 Report | 11/03/2006 11:31 am
Its You! biggrin
Sooo I want ur first born child, cuz that`d be a sexy baby! o.o
lol I`m soooooo sorry that sumone pilfered your pink marker sad
you still love me rite?! cry
heee xoxo heart Toast
Neene Report | 11/02/2006 11:01 pm
ello dahling

i havent seen much of your faire pink-ed beauty.

that may be due to the fact that

i. your pink hair has faded to a strawberry blondish
ii. you havent been at the bat cave for lunch
iii. you havent been at school much
iv. terrible luck on my part

i find myself missing your freckles dearly.

it sucks you missed my halloween partay, but i've decided on kidnapping you for my xhristmas ball.



last mango in paradise Report | 10/30/2006 9:35 am
a**l beads?!

oh heyyyy puddin. biggrin

why aren't you at school?

i have important manlovah news to brag about. biggrin
last mango in paradise Report | 10/24/2006 10:43 am
If only you knew how much I really hate the word "turd."
last mango in paradise Report | 10/24/2006 10:42 am

he gives presents.

nuggets of crap.

and ahha. janine says she likes poo nuggets. like hamster poo.

but anyhow, as I was saying. Santa gives. Presents. like nuggets, or, turds, if you will, of s**t.

and like, barbies and ..crap. biggrin
