
MrParaduo's avatar

Last Login: 05/14/2010 4:32 pm

Registered: 02/21/2009

Gender: Male

Location: United States

Occupation: Writing

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O' persona

Well what is there to say about me...I'm a writer, my biggest book had 776 pages in it alone, I've also been told I'm good with a pencil, though I want to get into oil painting.
I'm a little absent minded to everything outside my head (pun not intended) I like to think philosophically or politically correct myself, to a state of doing too much of it. I sometimes even tend to act insane around people in the hopes of making them laugh or like me, but usually that back fires, still, "I" have fun doing it.
My dream is to create an epic master piece, and when I do, I hope to write books that follow up the world I made from that book, till I'm remembered for inspiring others with the desire to create what ever they do best...yeah.
Now for the mud of myself. I have what is called aspergers syndrome. I also can't help but admit that I'm into anthropomorphic animals, some people call them furries, but I usually call them just anthros. As to how I got an account on deviant, I made it so I could cheer a certain someone on, in fear he might give up in his series of works which I feel no shame in admitting to be great and worth looking at, who knows, I might even help him create more depth to that same crater of powerful impact he's made.
Finally, my avatar name was something I came up with a while back, it's a mix of paradox and duo, for I am me, but my persona on this site is also me, thus is it a paradox about two things, see?
My last words are on why I haven't put up anything...well, this sight tends to have illustrations that get pirated onto other sites, and I have a paranoid worry that something I put hard hours of effort into will get stolen like one of my accounts was. But even so, here's to a life of inspiration for all that look for it.

Also, if your interested, take a look at these two threads I made:

arrow Garden styled like aquarium petition:

arrow Idea of Imperial Regalia of Japan as Monthly collectible:


View All Comments

safire_nicole Report | 07/16/2010 7:27 pm
hihi blaugh

wats your name ?_?
Takuya_Mango Report | 05/29/2010 6:57 pm
im back online again!
hello there!!
trissygirl Report | 05/14/2010 7:49 pm
Yessh Long time no talk
How are you?
mermaidgrl224 Report | 03/01/2010 9:21 pm
hope ur doing ok smile
RaineCloude Report | 10/04/2009 10:08 am
RaineCloude Report | 10/03/2009 1:10 pm
Thanks! biggrin I will try those. I've heard of SAI. Sadly, I can't use it since it's only for PC. D:
Thanks for the suggestions! :3
RaineCloude Report | 10/02/2009 2:09 pm
Hehe, commissions...sadly, I have them too. I just got ransacked with them yesterday and I didn't even finish the first one. D:
Down side, my Photoshop got killed so I can't start on them and I have to do HW. xD

I looked through some of your works, I love them. xD Reminds me of Okami. Yesh, I do have a dA account. Not as great as yours though but here it is:

RaineCloude Report | 10/01/2009 12:19 pm
It's good, the weekend is coming soon so I have time to finish a couple commissions, work on my upcoming essay and history project.
I also get to sleep in and maybe enjoy the fresh outdoors if the weather is great. xD
RaineCloude Report | 09/30/2009 4:56 pm
Uh...was it a bad thing then? xD;;
RaineCloude Report | 09/29/2009 12:40 pm
Eh...most likely. <__< xD


Where Fate may be the inevitable, your Destiny is the curving line to that dot which is Fate, let your curve be how you wish it, know that in Fate we are all forever tied....what? I can be deep too!
