Mr Lapus

Mr Lapus's avatar

Last Login: 10/17/2010 10:52 am

Location: England

Birthday: 06/11

Occupation: Techie


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Don't stare at me, I have no need for self-validation via the entertainment of others. I am content both with myself, and with my place in the world. Even this witty little introduction is written purely for my own amusement and not from any need for affirmation through the accolades of others.

If I was going after accolades this would be far better written.

I was not born in England, but I left my birth country before I was old enough to remember it properly. Effectively my citizenship is British, and the only reason that I take note of my original citizenship is in case of war breaking out and a need for sanctuary.

I have no interest in sports, only a passing interest in music, a liking for old martial skills and equipment, and am utterly in awe of the general speculative genre, whether it be deep fantasy, high science fiction, gritty cyberpunk or imperialistic Victoriana. The ranges of the human psyche and the various dreams which can be pulled from its depths fascinate me far more than many other things. Storytelling is the truest form of art and expression, in whichever way it is expressed.


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Not Special; Just Crazy

A critical examination of the various little subcultures that seem to be constantly popping up these days.


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Catlander Report | 12/07/2010 12:27 pm
Hiya Lapus, just curious, what is implied by "Old martial skills?" smile
A_burningFarewell Report | 05/08/2010 4:48 am
just a tips ,go and hit yourself into a wall.
GoddessDivine Report | 05/05/2010 1:28 pm
You're very witty. Thank you for taking the time to cheer me up.
Draevir Report | 04/09/2010 4:36 am
Just passing through your profile.


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