Mr Chloe

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I am Chloe... But a guy.



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Sexual Matt Report | 08/04/2009 11:47 pm
Sexual Matt
Accept my trade requests.

Autumn Gracy Report | 05/02/2009 2:53 pm
Autumn Gracy
Mr. Cloe!!! *pounce* X3

Hi ;3
Maarilat Report | 04/11/2009 2:39 pm
*Huggs* Namaste

Just because biggrin
Maarilat Report | 04/04/2009 12:47 pm

Yeah, my life has undergone some changes. I'm single now, and doing the wilderness thing again.. or at least will be soon (weather has been very unpredictable sweatdrop ), my foot feels much better so now I can at least work jobs, so I'm trying to find decent work and save some money. I've taken up the Djembe.

Done any interesting reading lately?

And how's the band thing working out for you?
Maarilat Report | 03/05/2009 5:07 pm
Maarilat Report | 01/28/2009 10:55 pm
Well... I think perhaps he should be given a chance to explain how he thinks all those labels are justifiably applied to him. If he can explain things in a way which are at least conceivable or conducive to discussion of the supernatural/psychic without blowing things out of proportion or removing any connection to a sense of a mutually-conceptual reality. In a sense it doesn't even matter whether or not he is lying or not so much as whether or not what he chooses to discuss is useful to anyone but himself; if no one can relate what he's talking about to actual practices or actual elements of lifestyle, and what he's talking about doesn't inform anyone of anything applicable to their own lifestyle, or he swamps many threads with a disrespectful and unique take on things (Threads about actual experiences discussed in terms of roleplaying will reduce a community), then something should be done.

So far he has presented a hard-to-believe possibility as his status in relation to things psychic... but that doesn't really overlap or get in the way of other discussion, and he has seemed to have had a good disposition so far. I think that your reaction might better be re-phrased to more constructively challenge him to explain his claims, and then if he can't explain it in terms which anyone but him or roleplayers might understand you should discuss with him privately how his take on things is a problem (either you just don't believe it, or that it is just the wrong kind of discussion for what the guild is intended for and that the subject matter is going to turn the guild in a different direction than that intention intended it for)... wherein you might request that he keep otherkin or star-child discussion in the forum designed for that in the name of coexistence. If he fails to comply, then maybe consider more direct action then.
Maarilat Report | 01/24/2009 9:52 pm
Looks like a Kukri, kind of, but longer? (or is that still considered a Kukri?). It also looks pretty well-made!
poppy-dust_addict Report | 01/14/2009 8:41 pm
Heyo! Decided to pop by and say hi. ^___^
Maarilat Report | 01/14/2009 7:46 pm

Where are you smithing it? Tell me more?
Maarilat Report | 01/11/2009 10:48 am
Hey, what's new?


I am stoned 99.99% of the time.

Lazy? I prefer the term efficient.
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Mah baby...


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