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Herro whee 4laugh
I wubs making new frenns blaugh
*books shelf falls on top of me* Whaa?! gonk
stressed stressed Welp.. That didn't go according to plan.. I was hoping to make this adorkable, but my furniture thinks otherwise.. sweatdrop
I like dressing adorable, but really I can become evil.. neutral
I am pretty laid back and just want to make new friends.. *lamp falls* gonk
O....Meh... Gaaahd. NO! crying crying Meh furniture is committing suicide right in front of meh eyes..
But...Umm neutral
Ask questions if you need to. lol
I'm 18 . 4laugh 4laugh
So.. I'll talk to chu guys later!

*Table crashes* gonk crying dramallama

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That Raider God

Soulless Production

Hewwo :) It's Monster here! Look around and add me if you like. Pleasure meeting you <3

This guy is super adorbs and you should totes add him :3