
H E L L O !

We-ell, since you came to look at my profile, I suppose I'll say something instead of wasting your time, although you're wasting your time reading this anyway. xD

My name is MM Carlson, obviously, but you can call me MM for short. :3 If you can guess who I'm named after, you get +10,000000 cool points and part of my heartzzzzorz. Srsly.

My hobbies are drawing, writing, learning Japanese, reading, and satiating my hunger for retardation via the Internet. I like horror movies and Langston Hughes poetry. My favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Francesca Lia Block, Victor Hugo, Stephen King, Goethe, S.E. Hinton, and Vladimir Nabokov.

Steve Buscemi and Beat Kitano are my favorite actors. :'3 Respect them, for they are wonderful.

My favorite poem is "Could Be" by Langston Hughes. I also love Lord Byron and Emily Dickinson and Evelyn Tooley-Hunt.

Could be Hastings Street...
Could be Lenox Avenue...

I also fancy flowers, rain, Animal Crossing, mythology, urban legends, green tea, Legend of Zelda, roleplaying, accordian music, cheese pizza, and staying awake for long periods of time.

Things I hate include Japanophiles, Orlando Bloom, hipsters, bad roleplays, and grammar nazis. D:<

If you want to know more about me or talk, just PM me.

I like random PMs a lot, even though I'm pretty much a bitchtard. I'm nice if you get to know me, really.

( ; _ ; )///

This is his lair
I've seen the old fox around
He keeps himself to himself
He's staying close to the ground
I smell profit here! D:<


I'm da berserker. <3


B Y E !


Viewing 4 of 4 friends


Where is Penny Lane?

It's cold outside!

My curiousity got the best of me and I found myself in Knockturn Alley instead of Penny Lane.


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.

Magical Cherry

Report | 11/28/2006 11:29 pm

Magical Cherry

Steve Buscemi?
I think I love you. Whee!

Report | 11/28/2006 4:39 pm


"Santa Claus Says"Hoe hoe hoe Mary christmas!

What would you like for christmas?

Report | 11/24/2006 5:30 pm


> biggrin I FOUND YOU.

Report | 11/19/2006 5:01 pm


I rather like your avi. I may not be a fan of pink and such, but I'll make an exception :nod:

Report | 11/08/2006 3:54 pm


Your profile is awesome ^^

So is your avi, everything is so adorable ^^

-Commeties back are wuved- User Image
Aidan Montague

Report | 11/04/2006 2:59 pm

Aidan Montague

O= Pokemons? No wais...xD
Aidan Montague

Report | 10/29/2006 1:59 pm

Aidan Montague

</3 I wanted to steal your comment virginity! D=

I see how it is. No love. rofl

Report | 10/28/2006 7:55 am


you look soooo cute heart
MM Carlson

Report | 10/08/2006 2:01 pm

MM Carlson

I'm in my profile, stealing my own comment virginity. B)


"please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard..."