Mistress Lilly Rose

Mistress Lilly Rose's avatar

Last Login: 04/01/2018 3:27 pm

Registered: 09/18/2009

Gender: Female

Location: England

Birthday: 02/08


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Hi and welcome to the insane mind of me... what to say? Nothing much to really say, and before people ask about those 3 random avi's there my rl best friends who I adore to pieces and love beyond anything. So yeah, welcome to the insane working of the crazy people xd

Also happily taken.

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_Dai_Itchi_92 on 02/05/2024
-Lunar Ice goddess- on 02/06/2022


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John Black Bear1 Report | 05/15/2014 2:52 am
John Black Bear1
Hey hope your day going well ^^
xXx_Jelex_xXx Report | 04/21/2014 5:10 pm
Hi, did we met?
Raszius Report | 04/20/2014 10:18 pm
Thanks for the vote of confidence smile
Raszius Report | 04/20/2014 2:31 am
Thank you.. I remembered when I made this.. after this I couldn't think of another avatar again lol.. but a part of me wants to work on something new again cheese_whine
Raszius Report | 04/19/2014 4:46 pm
Awesome Avatar biggrin
Raszius Report | 04/19/2014 4:35 pm
thanks for the add biggrin
Evil_4_Dummies Report | 02/12/2014 10:30 pm
Happy Late Birthday sweatdrop hope you had a good one!
Miketsumaru Report | 06/19/2013 5:58 pm
Yea mom said she would splash and when the water hit her face it would take her breath away then she would sit there looking confused xD
Miketsumaru Report | 06/19/2013 3:29 pm
Yea KyLee went in a pool for the first time over the weekend, my mom took her but I cant wait to swim with her haha <3
Miketsumaru Report | 06/19/2013 7:41 am
awe im sorry, before you know it he will be sleeping all night. It took KyLee like around a couple weeks to sleep all night. And now she wakes up around six, then sometimes goes back to sleep but she eats breakfast around eight, lunch around noon, then supper around like four. I always heard it is good to get them on a schedule so I did that and it works out just sometimes it does get messed up but its all good haha. I never was a child/ baby person (being im the youngest in my family Ive never been around them) a lot came natural lol but when it comes to other peoples kids I'm not the best babysitter or anything haha (x but oddly enough most kids love me and idk why



Our gorgeous little man yum_puddi heart Love you sooo much Tyki and little man heart [/size:d20844c86b][/color:d20844c86b][/align:d20844c86b]

MikkTyki Noah