MisterMario123's avatar

Last Login: 12/30/2012 9:21 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Oceana W.V

Birthday: 06/26

Occupation: School Student, Gamer



hi, my name is Joey Morgan. i am 8 years old and live with my mom, dad, two sisters, and one brother. Me and tay are the middle kids. i like, SuperMarioBrothers. I have an x-box 360, laptop, wii, gamecube, dsi, and a 3dsi.
christmas is my favorite time of year because i get toys and new stuff i like to hang out with my family and play gaia. My sister Taylor is the only one of my real life sisters who help me get money and help me on gaia. I love all my family very much and i appreciate every moment i get with them. i do have my cranky moments and i have my cool good boy moments. when i go into towns i only say hi, or bye, because i cant really type. taylor is teching me the things i need to know about gaia. we bother play together almost everyday but my account got hacked so we made this one. Is you need to know anything more, talk too Taylor her gaia name is Hyperactive Cupcakee. she will tell you anything you need to know. once i get older i will be able to type and tell you about me myself until then, BYEEEEE!!!!! -Joey or MisterMario123!!!!! biggrin



My sister. Taylor(: We both enjoy watching Adventure time together.^^ love you sis.