Miss Odette

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Good day. My name is Odette Briscoe, but most people just call me Boss. I am the former CEO and founder of a large company called the Inter-Dimensional League of Villains (IDLV). Our goal is to gather as many villains as possible in order to take over the Universe.

I officially retired, but I still like to work alongside my former co-workers. There's Armcia, who has a mechanical eye and a pre-traumatic stress problem, and Rin, who pops up randomly with snide remarks. There's also the Red Sunflower, our resident supervillain. He isn't too happy with his job, though.

Many of the employees are probably familiar to you, such as Bellatrix Lestrange, the new head of the company, and Light Yagami, a member of the Evil Overlords Department. You may also recognise Voldemort, Sauron, Elphaba, Godzilla, Durza, and many of our finest workers.

Would you like to know more about IDLV? Well we have an entire website devoted to it that is coming soon, along with an awesome series of flash movies. Expect some awesome stuff!


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MissGyk Report | 02/04/2008 1:08 pm
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(TRL style)
MissGyk Report | 11/04/2007 12:02 pm
Armcia: Put the URL http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t141/IheartEsquared/idlvimg.jpg in the image tags.
Armcia Report | 09/17/2007 12:07 pm
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guess who!
Armcia Report | 09/15/2007 8:01 am
send me the codeing for your sig i want it
Miss Odette Report | 09/08/2007 5:23 am
Miss Odette
Armcia: A second name would indeed ruin the mysteriousness. I only have one because there's already an 'Odette' on Gaia or something like that.

Swampfire: *takes paperwork and fills out*
Armcia Report | 08/29/2007 5:51 pm
Do you think Armcia needs a second name or is it more mesterious and cool this way?
MissGyk Report | 08/27/2007 3:11 pm
Hey Mary Sue! *hands over paperwork* I like your sig (lol).