My fav bands are the Misfits, Gotham Road, Gorgeous Frankenstein, & Blitzkid! My #1 hero is Michale Graves!
Hello ppls! Sum stuff about me is that:
I like being random, crazy, & acting stupid.
I luv music! My fav is horror punk, but I also like psycho, metal, & rock!
My fav bands r The Misfits, Gotham Road, Gorgeous Frankenstein, Blitzkid, The Ramones, & Dr. Chud's X-Ward. I also realy luv Wednesday 13 & all his other bands.
My fav songs r Dig Up Her Bones, Mars Attacks, Lady in the Lake, Mary and the Storm, & Carve Out a Heart.
My fav colors r black, crimson, scarlett, maroon, red, orange, dark blue, & puple!
My fav foods r pie, sushi, ice cream, pudding, pepperoni pizza, & ham!
My fav movies r Perkins' 14, The Lost Boys, & April Fool's Day.
My fav TV shows r Family Guy, Metalocalypse, & Growing Up Creepie.
I HATE Twilight.
I luv The Morganville Vampires & Vampire Kisses.
My life is very boring, but sumtimes I get excitement.
I have 8 pets. 3 dogs named Baby, Sandy, & Scooby, 3 cats named Princess, Butter, & Cookie, a rabbit named Cuddles, & a turtle named Speedy!
I luv reading about sum of the world's greatest mysteries. I'm not into Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but my fav is Mothman! Mothman lives out in West Virginia though, so I doubt I'll get 2 c him. The 1 good thing about where I live, is that Kentucky has a lot of other amazing creatures! Here r sum links!
MOTHMAN: CRYPTIDS: more thing 2 say about me is this, u ******** with me & u'll sleep with worms.
. ............... /..../ ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!
..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`
........` ¯..¯ ´.......'
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♥....Sick of crying....♥
♥....Tired of trying....♥
♥....Yea,I'm smiling....♥
♥....But inside im dying....♥
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If you ever felt...ALONE
If you ever felt...REJECTED
If you ever felt...CONFUSED
If you ever felt...LOST
If you ever felt...ANXIOUS
If you ever felt...WRONG
If you ever felt...ANGRY
If you ever felt...ASHAMED
If you ever felt...CURIOUS
If you ever felt...USED
...then put this on ur page.
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(=0_0=) Page if you hate
(")__(") ANIMAL ABUSE!!
95% of teens would panic if Edward Cullen was on a 250 foot building about to jump. Copy this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!"
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╚╩╩═╩═╩╩╝love to ROCK!
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The Voices in My Head
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Awesome profile!
Fiends for life!!!
twisted twisted twisted twisted
We have lots in common mrgreen