c o m m e n t .

a c i d b e t t i e
Like seeing Jesus on Dateline
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I'm Jill.
It's short for Jillian, but no one has really called me that since elementary school.
I'm 18.
Live in Cali.
Big fan of the city, bigger fan of the beach.
I love cats. I know that I'm going to be a crazy cat lady spinster in my old age, but I'm okay with that. I'll have my cats.
I've been a video game junkie since I was four. Started out of Mario Kart 64 and have worked my way up to FPSs like GOW and Halo.
I'm straight. Deal with it.
Green is my favorite color, but I do love all colors. However, I think we can all agree that some color combinations are an all-around bad idea.
I like to clean.
I like to be clean.
People used to call me Cat Woman in grade school because I always have cat hair all over my clothes, no matter what I do. I've just had to adapt to it.
I have the biggest nostrils on Gaia. They're pretty much shaped like jelly beans. Again, have had to adapt to the things I can't change.
I really love nature. I also love an industrial, post-apocalyptic setting...
Does that make me a walking contradiction?
I don't like drugs. At all.
Writing is my strongest suit, but I'm pretty descent at drawing faces.
Don't ask me to do math, I'll most likely have a nervous breakdown.
There's no enough yoga in the world to save me from my Nutella addiction.
I'm a nurse in Dr. Steel's Army of Toy Soldiers.
As a general rule, I stay away from dramatic situations. If you like things chill, you can come chill with Jill.
You don't care to know the rest.

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