Miki Tobirame

Miki Tobirame's avatar

Location: None of your Business

Birthday: 01/12

Occupation: Student

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Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Writing, and annoying my friends.

Goals: I plan to open a restraunt and become a famous chef.

Places wish to travel: Great Britain, Greece, Rome, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, and more.

Favorite stories: Myths and Legends....

Overall: I am a down to Earth girl with a bit of an attitude and I love to make new friends who can put up with me....


I'm involve with several RP's on other sites but none on Gaia as of yet. But I tend to use the same Bio for all my RPs and if you know a good RP I might like just send me a message. Well here's my RP Bio:

Name: Miki Tobirame

Age: 18

Home: Farmside in France

Species: Witch

Family: Seventh daughter of a Seventh Daughter

Weapons: Twin Katanas and a fan when my Katanas are not available.

Fighting Style: Sword Fighting and the Art of Fan Dancing (yes, it's a form of fighting)

Abilities: As a Witch I have the ability to call on nature to help me when I need it. My perfered element to fight with is fire. Though I will use the other elements. I use my fans to control the direction my fire goes. I can do this with my Katanas but then the flames tend to stay in whip like strands. Meanwhile when I combine my fire with my fans I get large waves of fire.

Special Attacks: While I use many attacks I have two strong ones. One I call the Twin Dragon Tail Snap. The other Dragon Flame Wave.

Weakness: I have to watch my back all the time. While nature will defend one of it's people, it won't let it's self get destroyed, wel I won't let it get destroyed. I'm weak against physical attacks. Which is why I learned to fight using the Elements and Weapons. Two ways to defend myself against an physical attack. I'm also weak against another Water User. I may use all the elements, but I tend to use just Fire, so Water will cancel out my abilities.

Other Things You Might Need To Know: I have a sweet personality when you don't get me mad. But once mad I turn into the Dragon my attacks are named for. I tend to wear a white short Kimono most of the time. And last but not least my friends are one of the most important things in my life. So if you harm my friends I'll harm you.


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A new life

Today I started my new life as a college student.


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Unicorn Report | 09/24/2010 3:06 am
Thanks for buying biggrin
Yatsuki Karine Report | 09/17/2010 4:20 pm
Yatsuki Karine
hey did you make your characters yet?

how does mine look?
Lord Ryu of the North Report | 08/22/2010 6:51 am
Lord Ryu of the North
Cool avi!!
xEpikkiiPandax Report | 08/19/2010 4:40 pm
Thank You For Buying At My Shop
Emilia_Lockwood Report | 07/20/2010 10:39 am
i know they do

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