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miiszmaraviilla's avatar

Last Login: 03/17/2007 10:13 pm

Registered: 03/03/2007

Gender: Female

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hello Gaia Community mii name is Ruby...i am 15 years old, i liive in the bronx,new york city. I was born iin the U.S ViiRgiin IsLaNdSz but ii am domiiniican n puerto riican. ii am a person who laughs at everythiin n aniithiin..ii jus siimply liike to smiile.

My favoriite type of music is techno, hip-hop, R&B, salsa, and reggaeton...ii lubb to dance iin front of the miirror or T.V.

Mii style of dressiin is punk-rock/ghetto/classy...ii love all the gliiter and niice shoesz but i also like all the neutral look and skeleton headsz but at the same time ii liike keepiin up to date with Jordans and Niikesz...yup...ii staii fresh never bummy!!!

Mii personality iisz really confusziin or iin other words im "moody"...iif iim madd ii thiink itsz best for you to baqk up bcuzmii will not treat u verii niice unlesz ii liike you...ummm...iiim also verii niice, ii mean not all the tiime but you kno, around mii friends iim a completely different person but when iim alone ii act all tough and walk around liike iimma beat somebody iim also a show-off ii love showiin people when iim riite or when ii do sumthiin good...iim also a show-off with mii clothe but who isn' how can ii forget...ii lubbbb to eat..its like a hobby...lmao..but if you see me it looks liike ii don't eat at all...ii eat evry type of food chinese, japenese, spanish, mexican [mii favorite], indian, you name iit...Mii favorite candii is >>ChOcOlAtE<<..chocolate donuts, chocolate cake, chocolate puddiin, if it has chocolate you better kno iim iim not a party person but when i go to one ii be gettiin crunk..lmao...ii get a little too hype and end up fightiin or sumthiin and thats whii ii avoiid them once iin a whiile.

Boiisz are probablii guessiin iif thiisz girl with so0o much personaliity hasz a man...well dudesz ii don't..but riite now iim talkiin to this guy who's name iisz [pookie]..he makes me feel real speciial insiide about me and iisz everiithiin iim lookiin for..but iim still not sure about hiim.

oThEr fAcTsz aBoUt>>RuBii<<
*BoRn ApRiL.12,1991
*iim an ariiesz
* ii have 2 brothersz and a sister
*ii live with mii mom onlii
*theii call me lokiita [crazy in english]
*ii want to joiin the armii
* and i thiink thiisz iisz about it...if u could thiink of somethiin else you want to kno about me jus hit me UPP...peace and out!!


View Journal

Mii NoT So ExCiiTiiN but Try Mii BeSt to Be LiiFe

jus lil thigs in life in my point of view



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loomedai Report | 03/06/2007 4:03 pm
uhm do I kno u???
The Great one Desert Report | 03/04/2007 1:55 pm
Hi, nice to meet you
kaira haruon Report | 03/03/2007 9:35 pm
hello nice to met cha
kiki 147 Report | 03/03/2007 9:26 pm
thanks for teh request. ^_^
