I just adopted a chibi!
Likes:Anime, and style
Doesn't Like: scary people, nasty food, and school
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me!
I just adopted a neko!
Likes: Ninja food, shikon jewel, Kagome and Kikiyo
Doesn't Like: Naraku, Demons and other
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me!
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Well it's ok then!
Just to tell you I'm on my twitter and gaia at the sametime idk why?
Oh yeah,I almost forgot to tell you this.
Please rate for me in the arenas aiv's please and thanks.
title: Nyuu the cat person *the real*
also my other one which is coming out next Monday is Princess of love
you didn't comment me back for like a super long time now crying
-pets head very sofly-
hair pin turn my room