You're Mechanical MindDriven by your Concupiscence
The Ultimate Opheliac
The Lowest Amoeba
Lazy, Selfish, Degrading
The Divine Homo-Sapien
Reduced to a pool of Desire and Hate
In The fire so Divine
I'll tear your Infernal heart
From it's Cybertronic Sockets
I'll rend your Mind
Til your Nought But Dust
Trust Me; You're A disease
I'm just the Infection
You should Fear
Heh! [reads above] pretty weird. But that's me really.
Although I don't think I'm that cruel, or maybe I am. You'll have to talk to me to find out wont you?
17.NowhereLand.Female.Gay; if you want to find out what the reality is don't be a stalker and actually leave me a comment. You don't need to rate me, or prop me up with compliments. Just a nice wee discussion will do.
Never Judge, lest ye be judged yourself: Speaks many a truth. A lot of you will judge everyone you see just by face value. Why don't you try getting to know people better first? then you can make up your mind.
Clothes, hairstyles, make-up. These don't make people who they are, their personalities and experiences make them who they are. So yeah.
Anyway I've blabbered enough. Feel free to comment me, or not. Your choice
Laters x
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how humble of chu razz
i still want 2 give u something....name something in-expensive i want ( 5000 or less )
sry i cant afford anything, so ill give chu a llama instead razz