
Welcome to my profile everyone! Irasshai minna-san!!! (is that right? Please correct me if i'm wrong)

Name: Mercuriael is not my real name...but...do you need to know my real name?? You can just call me Merc! blaugh

Age: Well, let's see...I'm a pretty young angel so...I'd guess....15012^8

Looks: ..........................

Height: Taller than her, shorter than him

Wingspan: 30, from tip to tip...no just kidding!

Likes: Oh my...here it goes...I like anime/manga, reading, writing and drawing. I like to act, as I'm in drama club, I play the flute, and I'm in marching band, I like to dance and I partcipate in the Indoor Colorguard! Ano...I like to dream...and I accomplish this by listening to music, listening to music on long car rides, running, walking, and swinging.

Dislikes: Ano...I don' like....hmm...what don't I like???

Trying to: I'm trying to write out a novel. For some reason, once I get to page 100 in my notebook...I stop and then I loose the plot!!!! It's so frustrating! Some are really good too...oh well, I'll keep trying cause I want to publish a book! Also, I'm trying to get more skilled at art, and I'm trying to learn how to speak and read Japanese~

Thank you for visititng my profile!! I hope you enjoyed it!

Hey! I'm having some computer issues at the moment. Due to it, it causes gaia to run extremely slowly. I can't Pm anyone, read the manga or go to the homepage. However, I can post in guilds and shop. But, I just can't pm anyone.

So, if you want to talk with me, you can reach me at
This is just untill my computer is fixed. I may have to get a new one. Urgh.


Viewing 12 of 74 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/29/2009 2:46 pm


Hey, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you~
They all turned out fantastic, I absolutely love them. I'm having a hard time choosing which ones to get printed and use for the yearbook
Thanks again for all your help~

Report | 08/06/2009 7:06 pm


It's suppose to be highly competitive. You have to audition to get in, and after that's over, at least half the class gets cut down during the course of the year. Basically, they filter people out, keeping in the ones they believe to have potential. At least the kind of potential they're looking for. People have to watch their friends leave, it's tough. Sometimes I picture it like how American Idol is.

Stage make-up tips...get there early so you don't have to stress out. You tend to get better at putting on the make-up each time you apply. I'm not sure what kind of structure other people use for make-up so I wont tell you which applications to put on. Have some make-up removal items available just in case you make a mistake; baby wipes work exceptionally well. Also keep an eye liner sharpener handy, they tend to get blunt before you know it. It helped me a lot, having one of the make-up girls apply it for me first, since I'm a visual learner. After that it was just rehearse/repeat.

Report | 08/06/2009 6:18 pm


I really want to shoot for UC Fullerton, I've heard and read a lot about their Theater program.

Report | 08/06/2009 6:14 pm


I just finished up my second year, going on to the third, and hopefully last before I transfer. :]

Report | 08/06/2009 6:05 pm


I've only been in one Shakespeare play, and it was very liberating. I love the speech structure!

Right now, I am studying theater in school, but I need to divert my attention towards my general education studies. :]

Report | 08/04/2009 2:51 pm


My very first play production was Marat/Sade, followed by Private Hell (It was a compilation of 8 student written plays), and finally Shakespeare's As You Like It. :]
I'm currently studying up on a couple of the upcoming play productions at my college.

Report | 08/04/2009 2:13 pm


Geez so soon! Good luck! =D

Report | 08/04/2009 2:04 pm


When is it? :]

Report | 08/04/2009 1:48 pm


Those kinds of surprises feel like the best! What kinds of bits do you get to do?

Report | 08/04/2009 1:42 pm


Charlotte's Web? That's awesome! I've never seen a play production of that! Which part are you? Charlotte? :]


If you want to get a hold of me, or reach me; my e-mail is . Due to computer issues, my pming system doesn't work. If you want to talk to me, just drop an e-mail with your user name, okay. Just till my computer is fixed thanks ^^