Mei hua Chang

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Profile of Mei hua Chang:

Hey there all!! If you know Cho Yin-Hu Chang... She my distant cousin! Isn't life grand on all accounts that you have a cousin that attended Hogwarts and fought in the battle with You-Know-Who. I think she once had a relationship with what his name...*thinks* That right! His name was Harry Potter!! *giggles* I could go on and on abuot my distant cousin, but then you won't get to know much about me now, will you?

Unlike my cousin Cho, I'm not really all that emotional. I don't let my emotions get the best me. Well at times they do, but not really. Right now I'm currently attending Hogwarts and in my 2nd year. The teachers are all fine, but I find myself getting into trouble half the time. Maybe paying attention in class more often would make them happy. It probably would, won't it?

Personality wise I'm a pretty kind person that fun to be around. At times I can over react and blow things out of proportion or just blow stuff up in general. My natural sugar high just makes everything worth while and fun. It does provide some amusing entertainment. Like this one time in potion, when Prof. Slughorn was giving instructions to the class and I was bouncing around. I accidentally knocked someone cauldron over causing the contents in it to mutate some how. It was really neat!!

Person behind Mei hua Chang:

Well since you're here I might as well tell you who I am. I'm a natural hyper, energetic, sugar high high school student who is in her last year. Math and Science aren't exactly what you call my strong points, because sometimes I have problems memorizing difficult problems. Math is not my strong point at all, which is why I have to continuously work at it.

Personality is kind and friendly. Sugar highness can provide amusing entertainment for kids of all ages. Though sometimes it does involve me running into doors or walls at some point...

When it comes to video games I prefer RPG, fighting, stratgey, and puzzles. Read and writing are also some of my hobbies.

Not that much to me is there? xD

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Yi min Chang Report | 01/26/2008 1:04 pm
Yi min Chang
How's Hogwarts treating you, dear cousin? What house are you in? We really ought to have a family day sometime...we could call Cho and go out to the park, blow up a few things...the works.
Amour Hannah Abbott Report | 01/19/2008 8:56 pm
Amour Hannah Abbott
Thank you, love!


~ Hannah
Amour Hannah Abbott Report | 01/16/2008 4:55 pm
Amour Hannah Abbott
*rubs her eyes from lack of sleep*

Hi Mei hua, I was wondering if you can babysit Nim for a couple of nights?? I'll pay five Galleons every three hours or so.

I'm not home during nights now, I have to guard Bella. Please?

~ Hannah
Yi min Chang Report | 12/26/2007 7:41 pm
Yi min Chang
Hello there, dear cousin. Oh how you make me all happy with your crazy endeavors...
Amour Hannah Abbott Report | 12/24/2007 7:03 pm
Amour Hannah Abbott
Thank you!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

~ Hannah
Qing Lian Hua Report | 12/18/2007 6:47 am
Qing Lian Hua
Oh! Hello there little one. My what a funny hat you have.
Amour Hannah Abbott Report | 12/15/2007 9:03 pm
Amour Hannah Abbott
Of course!

Plus, you needed a comment. C:

~ Hannah
Amour Hannah Abbott Report | 12/15/2007 4:53 pm
Amour Hannah Abbott
ChRiStMaS lOvE!


~ Hannah Abbott
korista nott Report | 12/07/2007 7:21 pm
korista nott
Let us wreak havoc on the world together!
Kiera Greyback Report | 12/02/2007 7:27 pm
Kiera Greyback
First comment! <3

It was great seeing you in the thread!

On how you amuse me...