
Megarya's avatar

Interests- Favourite TV Shows- CSI, Criminal Minds, Hustle, The Tudors, Bones, NCIS, Friends Favourite Movies- The Avengers, Fried Green Tomatoes, Sabrina, All the Harry Potters, Fracture, While You Were Sleeping, The American President, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service Favourite Books- The Harry Potter Books (of course), Sands of Time by Sidney Sheldon, The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, Milrose Munce and the Den of Professional Help by Douglas Anthony Cooper, The Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot, Pride &Prejudice by Jane Austen, Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Sally Lockhart Series by Phillip Pullman, The Aupairs Series by Melissa de le Cruz Favourite Colour- Green Favourite Bands/ Songwriters- KT Tunstall, John Mayer, Bowling for Soup, Johnny Cash, The Spice Girls, Little Big Town, Captain and Tennille, The Killers, Sydney Forest, The Feeling, Take That, The Used, Fall Out Bay, Duran Duran, Gretchen Wilson, The Dixie Chicks, The Black Eyed Peas, Saving Jane, Play, The Superchicks, The Hives, ELTON JOHN!

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Hey There, I see those hairy legs- nah, I'm just giving you a load of waffle. So, about me, huh? Mkay, well, this is my profile, and I love it. I believe wholeheartedley in every quote you find here, and all my best friends in the whole entire wold are listed below (yeah, thats right, I don't have many friends, whatcha gonna do?) Enjoy the music, stay a while!


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Friendship Never Ends


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FlashFanGurl101 Report | 12/16/2008 12:19 pm
me want kitty umbrella//// wats up
FlashFanGurl101 Report | 03/11/2008 12:56 pm
like my new avatar hair?!?!?! i sure as flick do!!
FlashFanGurl101 Report | 03/02/2008 5:04 am
omg..guess who got the intermanet my lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ye-AHH
Torrigan_12691 Report | 02/26/2008 5:26 pm
nice hair!!! XD
FlashFanGurl101 Report | 01/03/2008 1:23 pm
lurve u..haha check me profile!!!
FlashFanGurl101 Report | 12/20/2007 12:50 pm
why do u have me twice? oh, i get it!!! twice the love!!!! ahahahahaahahahahahahahahaaa! i love u too, megrya......lie2purify is a poo....
FlashFanGurl101 Report | 12/13/2007 2:26 pm
your mother is a *beep* soup *beepin**beep**beep* son of a banshee*beep* voldemort's n****e* beep* wonaldbyotch* beep* blast-ended skank *beeeeeeeeeep*beeppitty- beep* dobby's sock* beeeeeeeeeeep* hagrid's butt-crack* beeeeeeeeep beeeep beeeeep* boyish attitude* beeeeeeeeeeeeeep* muggle wank* troggoulabou*beep* republican* beeeeeeepp* with a bucket of * bbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp* and a magic castle of * beeep* mickey mouse *beeeeeeeeeeeeep* daniel radcliffe *beeeeeeeepppeeeeeeeeeepp* alakazaaaam!! potter puppet pals slay me!!!
bleak-angel Report | 11/30/2007 5:48 pm
Hey Meg! I thought you needed more comments.
Carlem Report | 06/28/2007 6:58 pm
Hello Meg! I finally came on...I hope I was fast enough LOL
lie2purify Report | 06/27/2007 2:02 pm
Hey Meg watch out for the creepers

Be Yourself- Everyone Else Is Already Taken -Albert Einstein

Sex Appeal is 10% What You Have and 90% What People Think You Have -Sofia Loren

I Want A Man- Not A Boy Who Thinks He Can! - Spice Girls, Too Much

Everybody Lies -Gregory House

Concentrate on What Cannot Lie- The Evidence -Gil Grissom

The Only Way For Evil To Triuph Is For Good [People] To Do Nothing -Jonh Wayne

Can A Heart Still Break Once Its Stopped Beating? -Emily, The Corpse Bride

Good Girls Go To Heaven; Bad Girls Go Everywhere - Sharon Stone

Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion -Madonna

Ugliness is Skindeep- Beauty Isn't -Megarya

The Best Intentions Are Fraught With Disappiontment -Gil Grissom

Its not that I have so much faith in scientists being right- its that I have such faith in non scientists being wrong. Isaac Asimov