
Meanerz's avatar

Last Login: 09/25/2010 3:30 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/03


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I have a mission for YOU! Yes you! You must join Worlds Beyond Simplicity Its complete awsomness 3nodding
Now, about me. I'm 89 stuck at the age of 13. Theres a simple reason behind that. I'm a Vampire. You must want to know, why am I telling you I'm a Vampire, if I'm actually a Vampire? Simple. You wouldn't believe me anyway. Ill have you know, though, that I'm NOT crazy. Now that denial has entered the room, you must be even surer about me being crazy. Well, I'm not. Trust me, Ive talked to myself about this, and I'm not crazy wink Ok, ok, I don't really talk to myself... Most of the time...
Ok moving on! I am always carrying a book with me. Always. Its just something I do. Without a book, my life would be ruined. Done for. Ended. Well, that's just me being over dramatic. Actually, I would probably just be pretty bored. Now that that's out of the way, I like to write. I write about whatever's on my mind, and when I feel like it. Like for example:
It all started when I figured out the reality of the world. The beat of the song I was trying to dance to. Most people dont know what thats like. To be slapped into reality. Most people need to wake up and smell the roses.
Life is cruel. Life hides its teeth well, but the bitten know theyre there. They know life bites. Hard. I rember clearly how I was bitten.
It was a hot summer morning, and I couldnt find my little sister. My mom had already left for work, and I was supposed to bring my sister to her friends house. But she was no were in sight. "Mandy?!?!" I screamed. No answer.

I admit, I'm not the best writer, but I'm working on it.
I have four favorite colors. Black, Blue, Green, and Purple. Every day, I favor one of these colors. It just depends on my mood. My favorite animal is a Tiger. I love them. If I had to choose a second favorite animal, I suppose I would choose a sea turtle. Or a jaguar.
I love, love, love music! Its in my soul, it weaves its way through my blood. I love music. Sadly, I have no musical talent at all. Not a drop. Ok scratch that, I can play the drums. But those don't count, cause I don't even own a set. But I envy people with real musical talent. For as long as I can remember, Ive wanted to sing, or play the guitar. Or really play the drums. Oh well, I guess Ill just have to settle on listening.
Now you know a bit about me. And as you can tell, I am extremely awsome! (I suppose it is obvious wink )
Oh, by the way, my names Emily.


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OddeoFreq Report | 03/01/2012 10:27 am
Random Hi.

SlaveToBlood Report | 12/02/2010 4:56 pm
Hey, your on my friends list but I dont remember you. lol Just thought I would say hi.
BlackShadow_KillerNinja Report | 10/14/2010 3:46 pm
wow just wow I gree with Ninja Kitty.
You butt_hole! give her her account back, and yeah,
You might just find me at the foot of your bed. and who know what i might just not be sain, you'll find out, soon enough.
A Fitting End Report | 10/01/2010 6:24 pm
A Fitting End
My avi is up for voting: CLICK
A Fitting End Report | 09/15/2010 9:55 pm
A Fitting End
Please vote?
xXAutumnWhisperXx Report | 09/11/2010 9:57 pm
Ha! That shows what a ******** suck-up you are! Pathetic losers go around hacking people's acounts. Not everybody is an a*****e! Maybe you should have thought about that before you hacked a girl's account. You're such a ******** loser! I swear if I find you I will beat your ******** face into the ground. And if that didn't work, I would shove a pony up your a**! Let's see you sit down and hack somebodys account then. On a scale of one to ten on how pissed I am right, now.. I would have to say nine! You ******** b***h a** loser! I doubt you have any friends. And if you do, I'm sure they are all whiney-a** losers like you! Boy, if I ever get my hands on you.. Gaians all around the world hate hackers. Think of how many people hate you! You sorry-a** whiney-b***h a** hole of a person! If you comment back I can guarantee you will get a mouthful from me!
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/10/2010 4:04 pm
Wow. Just wow.
Just because your too lazy to get your own items, money ect. you go and hack an account? How pathetic is that?
I'll tell you the secret of how to get all these things on your own.
That's how you get anywhere in life.
So stop being a jackass and give emenoh back her account, along with any other accounts you may of hacked.

Oh, and a little peice of advice for you: Not everyone on the internet is sane. If someone says they will kill you, they might actually track you down and do it....
soul stitch Report | 09/08/2010 4:50 pm
soul stitch
Yeah, what the ********? Who do you think you are hacking her? Im gonna kill ur face if you dont give it back by next week!
the dead of night Report | 09/07/2010 5:15 pm
the dead of night
dude! why the hell are you hacking my best fri-end's gaia?!?!?!!!!!!!!! she fing cried!!!!!! scream scream scream
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/07/2010 11:47 am
Did you change your username...?


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