err excuse me. you expect that if you greif me that im just gonna tell you s**t. HAHAHAH no. a) lmfao you called me a pyscho for saying that ryan was sexier than edward cullen. b) it's none of your business who i ********. c) no wonder you have no friends the way you treat people. d) i bet you dont even know who ryan is. e) how can i be s pyscho if im telling the truth then your just bringing utter bullshit up to talk about.
hmm now i wonder who would do that.
maybe a p***k who has nothing better to do than to piss people offf. yeah thats the right answer.
you can have edward cullen. i didnt say i loved him. i said he was sexy. and plus hes fictional which means you can never have him either. and plus ryan is far more sexier than edward.
ohh and abby is dating josh phillipson and she has been for like 2 months now.. so yana. he's not yours either. so i guess you pretty much screwwed.
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hmm now i wonder who would do that.
maybe a p***k who has nothing better to do than to piss people offf. yeah thats the right answer.
Twilight made vampire's sparkly and gay
ohh and abby is dating josh phillipson and she has been for like 2 months now.. so yana. he's not yours either. so i guess you pretty much screwwed.