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Chloe- dances to the beat of her own drum,
is gonna follow her dreams(on ones gonna stop her),
is a little weird at times
she loves her friends and family(there a huge part of her life),
she loves listening to music dancing, drawing and singing! and laughing
she belives anything is posible
her fears are being alone, spiders, and highs
she wants peace, and to be more famous then britney spears!
she wishes that she was...
she isnt and never was... emo
she doesnt care what you think of her
life is hard for her at times
she hates fakes, and she hates when somone spells her name wronge, and eating veges.



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lil ant 100 Report | 06/26/2008 3:45 pm
lil ant 100
AnEpicOfTimeWasted Report | 06/14/2008 7:17 pm
gah!!!! why are you making a new gaia!!!! holy jebus!!! i better be one of your first friends! because i am just that hardcore!!!anyway your party was pretty ******** intense and hardcore! if only my mom would let me stay later at parties...

oh dude!!! don't you get tired of dancing all the time!!! unless you like to. but i think i would be like sore and s**t!

oh your like i am god!!! and i am like what the ********? but then i read your other comment and it was all good!!!

anyway, amy le loves you. you know that already. i was like writing amy le <3's you! in like everyone's yearbooks, it was insane.oh yes well, good bye
RoseKhwanjai Report | 04/10/2008 4:10 pm
oh hahaa..i never checked my comment so i didnt know u comment me..=)
im bored..just watching some foreign dramas online right now..
so how are u??
hhaha...i didnt even notice that u took off the blue streaks from your hair...how sexxie..haha..but i like the blue on you too but i guess its fine=)
well ttyl..gots to watch movie..bai bai..<33333333333333
AnEpicOfTimeWasted Report | 04/08/2008 6:27 pm
RAWR! hello chloe! hmmmmmm. i am bored. how are u????

random comment of doomleness

<3 randomness.
howl318 Report | 04/02/2008 6:38 pm
hey freak!!!

i love you!!

like a sister!! lol
RoseKhwanjai Report | 03/24/2008 1:53 pm
wait whos gaia is this again??
im so lost because of the username..
sorrie because i dont know who this is..
RoseKhwanjai Report | 03/24/2008 1:52 pm
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