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After seeing "CrackShot body" breathed a sigh of relief. Against the background of a bloody pulp, which we regularly serve contemporary horror film Karyn Kusama is a breath of fresh air with a truly novel idea and gives hope for a better future of this species. Much of the credit the author of the screenplay, Diablo Cody, an Oscar winner for the text to "Juno" (untapped potential scenario by Reitman). For the second time shows her incredible talent and together with the director presents viewers a great comedy horror film genre, which a year ago would seem that he was blinking. The story in brief is as follows: An attractive high school student Jennifer, a cheerleader school band becomes possessed by a demon. He wants fresh blood for the victims and takes a classmates. Can only stop her best friend Needy, especially since Jennifer for another prey chose to make her boyfriend Chip. Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Fox Entertainment AtomicDune biggest advantage of the film is the aforementioned scenario. The story is a parable, which was behind bars psychiatric hospital and wanders Needy though it clashes with the general subject, it perfectly captures, but rather shapes the atmosphere of the movie. Accurate, though schematic and duplicated many times to show the main characters at the beginning it allows discretion to identify with them. On the one hand we have the sexy, confident teenager at the sight of which all the men are drooling and, second, "gray mouse", remaining in the shadows colleagues, who in the name of "friendship" pretty trying to save the school.

Although throughout the film runs through the myths about demons, the "Jennifer's Body" is actually a first-embellished black humor comedy. Cody puts on the lips of heroes so ironic, absurd issues, it's hard not to laugh, and sometimes even forget about the story and focuses on what flavors we get next. The best falls one of the last scenes in which Jennifer endowed with supernatural abilities przegaduje the Needy, but did not reveal details that everyone could enjoy it alone. "Jennifer's Body" teetering on the verge of kitsch. Kusama deftly combines artistic makeshift Cody with a brilliant script. In addition, the story Jennifer is planted on a typical "American backyard", which brings to mind the youth films for teenagers. Feminist pronunciation image of which took care of the author, it enhances its independence and thus banalnemu treatment of the subject meant that throughout the movie cheering Jennifer not only through the prism of its values ​​external (oh, it was a sight to behold), but also by the character, which obdarzyły it Cody and Kusama, maybe a little exalting their gender, but it was very effective.

Despite all these advantages difficult to hide the fact that the movie is based primarily on the creation of Megan Fox. Sexiest actress (I am writing this word with a clear conscience) Hollywood showed that not only has a killer body, but also not a little talent. This may seem absurd, but sometimes I had the impression that it has much more to offer only limited for the film (eg.

the scene of the lighter). The task was really difficult, especially after two odmóżdżających projects in Baya, but brilliantly gave emotion coming over Jennifer. Fared no worse Amanda Seyfried, which, though not presented as wystrzałowo as Fox, is in terms of acting skills is not behind. The rest of the cast, remaining in the shadows, gave a "fling" the above-mentioned ladies, which, surprisingly, was not at all as bad as it might seem. Sensational scenario, perfectly planted roles, good pictures and sharp rock sounds make the "Jennifer's Body" is entertainment of the highest quality.

He warns that women (but only according to the creators of this nice) and can not be trusted in a distorting mirror poses problems of contemporary youth. Additionally, it is a tribute to the comedy-horror and evokes the work of Sam Raimi ( "Evil Dead", "Drag Me to Hell"), showing the power of this type of production. Although the film was a financial flop, then I think for a long time secured the status of the original. I hope more such images. .

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