So, hi there! My name is Maisy, and I'm 19. I don't really know what to write about in this box here, so I guess I'll just stick with the basics that I've just stated. If you want to know anything else about me, then don't be afraid to say hi and to get to know me. I don't very much like random friend requests, so I don't typically accept them. If we talk a little first, then I will accept.If you're ever in the poetry arenas, look up my stuff. I haven't written anything recently, but I'd be very happy if you took some time to read my old stuff. smile So, bye for now I suppose!
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gaia_angelleft gaia_crown gaia_angelright
yes, definitely a well-known phrase/sentiment. there is probably more truth in it than i know. 3nodding
i shall. for the sake of variety, if nothing else.
true enough. i try to do so from time to time. always regret it, but i continue to try, regardless. and when i go out WITH someone else, it almost becomes worth it. so that's a lovely surprise every time. lol, don't worry. i love people-watching, too. very interesting to study. and one can even make a game of trying to predict how they will move and act in response to their surroundings. mm. no, not corny at all. a good, healthy path to take. smile
thankfully, i enjoy my little pleasures quite a lot. my only regret is not having more time in which TO enjoy them; but that's a feeling everyone has, i imagine. lol but as for why...? hm. it's hard to put into words... you might say that i value theory more than practice, and that simple value of mine has infested far more of my thought processes and feelings than is normal. it's kind of like... like... um, the reason i hate history! yes! we are supposed to value history because of WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM IT, yes? but if that is the case, why not just learn the lessons to be gleaned from it, while dispensing with all that unnecessary context. it's the same with me, for most of life. i could spend hours traveling, assaulting my senses with a deluge of uninteresting and fleeting stimuli on the way to somewhere interesting, all for the sake of a proportionally miniscule amount (both temporally and sentiment-intensively) of enjoyment. but why? it just seems... inefficient. a waste of time, energy, and attention. or, i can read a book, and let my mind make EVERYTHING interesting and beautiful. let it interpret things slightly differently with each reading, finding new meaning, gleaning new lessons, building new worlds, all within the confines of my own head, while my body is able to simultaneously enjoy the physical comforts and safety/security of home. it may be unorthodox, but i HAVE tried breaking away from the pattern many times. trying new things, going out every once in a while. *shrug* but every time i do so, all i do is regret it at the end of the day, thinking of all those hours i could have spent reading, or thinking, or enjoying stories and/or viewpoints presented in various other forms of media. lol, i don't know if i am just so devoted to logic and the idea of making my enjoyment of life as efficient as possible in whatever amount of time i have on this earth that i can no longer bring myself to enjoy the non-efficient methods of enjoying myself, or if i'm simply weird. ha, whatever the case, it is my lot in life-- who i am, and all i can do is try and make the most out of it. smile
me? ha, nope. my life is about as boring as it can get, from most people's perspectives. i get all of my enjoyment and excitement out of reading and the like. never really been into sight-seeing, or any sort of "adventure", unless i go with someone i care for, and who IS interested in the adventure. then, i can enjoy THEM, enjoy the adventure THROUGH them, and make the adventure more enjoyable FOR them. 3nodding
that's fine. i'm WAY worse, sometimes, when i have a particularly tiring few weeks in a row at work. sweatdrop anything interesting going on, though?