Dueling Diaries: Killer & Rage DemonBy Craig Tello with photos by Rich Freeda and Eric Johnson
April 1, 2009
Limousine ridin' ... , 3:00 p.m.
Relaxed in the chilled air of a limousine, Rage Demon's brother, Killer, composes himself en route to the first of many events during these most important (and heavily booked) days ahead. In an environment typically associated with pinstripe suits and high level business types, Killer sits comfortably in his usual, most scary attire.
Stepping out, 4:06 p.m.
Moments before the arrival of his brother in downtown Houston, Rage Demon finds solace on an unoccupied staircase. He embraces the embittered feelings that seem to only boil more rapidly with each passing moment. Inside, his XtremeMania opponent’s finely painted works line the walls for all attendees to peruse, including pieces entitled “Pink Eyes” and “Strong Jaw” – enough to make Killer grimace.
WrestleMania media blitz, 4:55 p.m.
Chewing back the pain of his brother’s broken loyalty, Killer put forth his characteristic pleasant disposition when met by a thrush of reporters and camera crews. As painstaking as his past few months have been, Hardy doesn’t allow them to suppress his excitement and enthusiasm for such a momentous week. In the alcoves of the Houston Public Library for an exclusive XtremeMania Art event, The Demon fields questions and describes the excitement that comes with XtremeMania in one of the nation’s biggest cities.
The Demon's Art, 5:26 p.m.
Away from the throngs of fans and media, Killer tries to maintain a more mellow attitude at a less crowded region of WOH’s art show. He picks at some appetizers and sips some water before an unwanted interruption by a Superstar known for making waves.
Salt in the wound, Mr. Kennedy – who also had some of his own works on display – swings around a corner to come face-to-face with the morose Demon. The outspoken Superstar is acerbic in his tactics, asking Killer Demon where his masterpieces could be found before complimenting Rage’s piece at the opposite end of the building’s corridor. Cooler heads prevail as the sour Superstar decides to leave Kennedy’s question unanswered and take a closer look at some of the exhibits.
Creative expression, 5:53 p.m.
The instant focal point of the XtremeMania Art exhibition is Rage Demon, who is carefully covering an oversized canvas with bright acrylics in between dabbing his paintbrush with canary yellow paint globs. Without a question, the former WOH Champion is a highly expressive individual with a passion for art in many forms – written word, murals or in-ring performance. His current labor of drugs: A large, thrilling face.
“A lot of times, this is a good release for me, a good relaxation process,” Jeff admitted. “When I’m painting, I get into a zone. The ultimate goal I have is to finish the product and be happy and satisfied with it.”
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