
MatiannyLeade's avatar

Last Login: 12/26/2013 1:45 am

Registered: 10/19/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/14



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My name is Martina, but on Gaia I use a nickname >MatiannyLeade<. exclaim 4laugh

I live in Slovak republic, the small european country. Europe has a lot of hearts, one of them is my lovely Slovakia heart .

I was born in August 14th, so my zodiac sign is Leo... I´m 16 years old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I excel with thin figure of medium height.
Majority of my characters I can very good hide. Optimism is dominating, altough it´s sometimes disturbed by my tempestuous caprice. twisted
I rank between the sensitive people, those are deep hurt by even the smallest detail. I often excel with nerves and it visible reflects on my behavior. stressed
In society or in community, I present a type of calm person, who doesn´t force herself to loquacity. I seek to compassion with others and when it´s really needs, I can keep a secret. I have periods, when I´m controlled by laziness. whee
Outwards, I act like peaceful person, I hold only my own opinions and thoughts and I like to laugh. biggrin

I really love dogs & cats, and I like to pet with them. At home I´ve got two dogs - one is smaller and black, and its name is Black (Black is from shelter situated in my town), and the second is a wolf hound with brown´n black hair, called Tia. She is very foolish :d and she cause a lot of problems... xd rofl

Before, I had another one dog, named Rita. She was half breed of lhasa-apso. Now, she isn´t between us. It´s over one year, that she leaved. I really loved her, and still love.... heart heart heart

I go to grammar school in my town. Now, I´m in the seventh class (of eight). My favourite subjects are English, French and Maths. I study French for seven years, but unfortunately English for only five years, however in elementary school I learn fundamentals of English grammar. Between ourselves, I really don´t like Physics and History. xp ( confused and some teachers are also horrible... xp )

I have one older sister, so she twit me and we quarrel often... scream I sometimes want to be a unique child.

I like watch TV (mainly Animax heart ), play computer games or in my free time I often draw some pictures. They express my feelings and my actual mood. The next interest is reading, I read a lot of books, mainly romances, detective stories and also books from Jules Verne.
I admire cars, mostly fast and stylish drags razz But my prefered marque is Peugeot heart 4laugh heart

I love music, too. heart My favourite slovak bands are Gladiator, Desmod and No Name 4laugh . But I like some others from all over the world: The All American Rejects, Coldplay, Green Day, Maroon5 and so... but I really love Simple Plan & Snow Patrol heart heart heart . Simple Plan 4EVER!!!

I like to go on Gaia, because, I´ve got there a lot of Gaia friends. And also there is a lot of fun & games and I like to visit Towns, design my house and dress up my avatar. heart I really LOVE Gaia heart heart heart

Hey, you can meet me playing in zOMG! 3nodding

My Dream Avi

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Total Value: 14,324,450 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
zOMSoundtrack Earphones
Sherbet Showgirl
Cerynitian's Blessing
Gogh Reed 3rd Gen.
Compass of Seidh 4th Gen
White Tiger Slippers
Compass of Seidh 4th Gen
Valhalla's Eternal Armor
Fremere's Guard 2nd Gen.

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Total Value: 1,411,059 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Blue Gaia Feet Stockings
Retro Runway
Classilke 6th Gen.
Classilke 5th Gen.
Winter Rose
Elegant Veil
Elemental Hair
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Gothic Butterfly

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I've adopted a bunny!
Name: Florie-Anne
Likes: dogs, flowers, bunnies, cakes, drawing, cycling
Dont like: spiders, physics
Owner: MatiannyLeade
You can adopt one too!

clicky clicky
Adopt One!


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Love MatiannyLeade



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Andeii Report | 09/18/2012 3:45 pm
Po Dlhom Dlhom Dlhooooooooooooom Čase ti znovu píšem ^^ Pamätáš si na mňa ?
Spajsy Report | 05/10/2011 2:29 pm
Hádaj kto tu je biggrin biggrin Dal mi heslo aby som mu pomohla v sutaži a sme v 14 Najlepších biggrin teda ja, xD Queen Mandy jovi
Andeyi Report | 05/02/2011 2:44 pm
a lepšie je že Nevedia z čoho som dostala ten zápal
Andeyi Report | 05/02/2011 2:41 pm
matianko drahá. Odchádza mi lavá ladvina. Prišlo to tak rýchlo minulu nedelu ma brali na Kramaré mala som niečo 165 a oni to je vážne to treba hospitalizovať tak som tam bola do Piatku. Ak by som nešla nedelu na kramare tak o 2 týždne sa mi tam urobí diera a mohla som umrieť. Chápeš to ? Ja stále nie. Som uplne vykoalená Doktori chcu stále krv. už ich volám UPIRY! je to Uff. Ráno mi beru krv 3 krát ma museli pichať zobrali ju ale mne napuchla žila jak hovado modrá je. a beriem lieky po ktorých sa citím ako Díler je to hrôza ani Gaia Crash mi nerobí radosť.predstieram to ale stále ma to trápi. že mohla som byť mrtva. od nedeli som bola na infuzie potom 2 krát mi davali striekačky "vytáminy" a potom ma nechali na tabletách tá ladvina funguje na dakých 85 % zápal sa pomali stráca, Ale čo mám z toho ked musím chodiť k doktorovy s mojim močom razz
Andeyi Report | 04/11/2011 7:10 am
Yees!! smile tSS UroBim SpajSymU PrúSvich biggrin
Andeyi Report | 04/10/2011 3:16 pm
Chýbaš mi =( Aj Spajsy mi chýba =( Keď bude velká noc zopakujeme si zOMG! =)
Momol1l Report | 04/06/2011 8:14 pm
Hi smile
Andeyi Report | 04/02/2011 3:44 am
Andeyi Report | 01/09/2011 10:29 am
ou my Gash ! Milujem tvoje nové vlasy!
Inferno Kaji Report | 01/07/2011 12:09 pm
Inferno Kaji


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