My Name is Roland...hmm, Not so good at this introduction stuffs
I like to paint, doodle, sketch, sleep....eat...sleep more, and I hearts Kniveys
heart heart .....ehh, yeah thats it.
Oh's Also a yaoi Fan! ^ ^
So I don't ahve a job to bring me miraculous gold to spend on what I want to I will do commisions for Gold. Price depends on what it is and whether it's colored or not. So yes, if you want me to be able to wear appealing clothes and what not, then pm me for a commision. =D Please and Thankyou
None of the following pictures are drawn by me, so if you want to comment to the artist, you gotta get off ur butt and find' em *wink*

Nothing like cake to get the day going. =)

heart SPY VS SPY

heart heart 
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