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Name: K.C. Lee. Hell no am I giving you my whole name, peeps.
Nickname: Winter
Height: 5'2"
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde ( it's clean, you idgits )
Eye Color: Hazel
Where I Am: East Coast of US.

Fallen off the bed?: No . . . I don't think so.
Had plastic surgery?: Hells no.
Failed a grade?: failed a class, but never failed a grade?
Failed a whole year?: no
Broke someone's heart?: erm . . . I dunno
Had your heart broken?: yes
Had a dream come true?: not yet.
Done something you regret?: er . . .
Broken a body part?: thankfully, no.
Kissed a stranger?: no . . . why would I do such a thing?

Wearing: pajamas. It's night time.
Eating: cheetos and 'blue chips'
Where: in front of my computer
Wanting: to watch the new ELEMENTARY episode ( airs in less than 15 minutes! )
Chatting: no
Craving: . . . cake. Must bake a cake . . .
Watching: my cursor blink . . . and hillywood show videos.

Brush your teeth?: um, yeah, I do.
Like anyone?: yes.
Any piercings?: Yeah - I have my ears pierced.
Tattoos?: uh, no.
Drive?: YESH!

Known the longest: -Minaki-Shiyoki-Sisters-
Knows you the best: same as above
Makes you smile: there are a few . . .
Funniest: Lunar -- for what she put together for a role play in the past . . . it made me laugh!
Trust: probably Mina.
Most Hyper: um . . . I don't think anyone is more hyper than moi.

Hugged: Cookie ( real life friend )
Talked to on the phone: Cookie
Yelled at: my aunt . . . and uncle.
Checked out: um . . . co-worker, who is hot.
Kissed: ain't tellin' ya.

What do you want to be when you grow up?: I'm a grown up already. but . . . let's just put 'FAMOUS' all right?
What has been the best day of your life?: Haven't had it yet.
Do you have a crush?: yeah.

Movie: current fave is THE AVENGERS.
Relative: Cookie ( she is my sista from another mista! )
Ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Drink: Diet Doctor Pepper . . . and a Seabreeze
Candy: chocolate
Number: 13
TV show: ONCE, Elementary, Glee . . . this list is rather long . . .
Band: hm . . . I can't decide.
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: January
Holiday: Christmas
Color: light blue
Name for a boy: Alexander, so the nickname can be Xander.
Name for a girl: Rayne

Like to give hugs? yes
Like to walk in the rain: yes
Prefer black or blue pens?: let's say . . . green.
Dress up for halloween?: YES!
Like to travel?: yup
Have a goldfish?: had a few . . . they're all dead.
Have stuffed animals?: yup!

Smoke: ew, no.
Hate yourself: Sometimes . . .
Believe in love: yes
Have a crush: yeah
Make the first move: I did once . . .
Believe in love at first sight: somedays, yes.
Bite your fingernails: Yes
Keep a journal: er . . . not really.
Get motion sickness: No, thankfully.

well, here we go

Well, I am a thirty one year old female who loves to role play on here. I always accept nice avi arts on me! If you want your avatar to be drawn, let me know -- perhaps I'll draw one for you!

Now, some other things about me -- do not randomly message me about the following : a new role playing website, a 'security' message that will insist upon me writing my password for you, OR a random invite to either your role play, being your friend, or joining your guild. If you're my friend, I'll accept invites to role plays, if you think they are part of my interests. HOWEVER, if we've never met, nor never will meet, I will NOT allow you to be my friend. Also, don't spam up my comment section with your load of B.S.

Hm, well, where was I? Oh yes -- I love APH, Black Butler, Pokemon ( I'm a nerd, deal with it -- and only the old series ), Harry Potter, yaoi . . . and a bunch of other things.

If you are my friend, I expect you to be there for me if I really need a shoulder to cry on or just lean on for support. If you do this for me, I'll do this for you.

Oh, and to head my 'hatahs' list, here's one:
Anti-Stalking. You stole from me, and gave no friggin' credit. So prepare for the rain of firah!

If I think of more, I'll add on . . . but for now, this is it. : )


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HEEEEEEEEEEEY...I got bored with the pictures I had up already...had them up for a loooooooong while. I really want to see people drawing me...

The winner will be posted, as well as the runner ups. The winner shall get a prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ pictures received so far ~

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I follow you like a man possessed . . .
[Spike, BtVS, "once more, with feeling"]

The past is history, tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present' . . .
[Turtle guy, Kung Fu Panda]

// more to come soooooon! //

// I love Avi art! //

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...the real me...

master-of-snow's avatar

Last Login: 12/31/2024 12:23 pm

Registered: 09/01/2008

Birthday: 01/02


Eh, TigerLilyluna, whatever. I'll call you Nikki wherever I talk to you. : ) You're a friend in real life, but we first met through . . . well, here. I guess Em told me about you on here, as well as Kiva, and we just . . . role played a game I had no idea about ( but you gotta love my efforts ). I went in with you and Kiva on a role play that . . . ended up being just the three of us, but it still was fun. WE NEED TO DO A PHOTOSHOOT THOUGH! Everyone loves our Ed/Win one. : )


Ah, Lunar-Music. What would I do without you? After all, you have been a wonderful role playing buddy, and are STILL a fantastic role playing buddy. And yes, your other name, 'BramblePatch', I will use to describe you. Why? Because everywhere else you use that name ( well, two other places, but still ). dA, poly, and gaia . . . I'm guessing there are other places we have in common, but I'm just too lazy to try and find them . . . for now. : )


R o s e D e m o n i c a ~ Great person. She and I are a great team, and I kind of forget where we met. Perhaps a 'Shadowed R o s e' role play ( that didn't last too long ). Anyway, she is one of few people who ALWAYS tend to stay by my side, even if we have some 'Alois vs Ciel' fights . . . though, those are just for fun. : )


Sure, she and I have fought in the past, but what friendship doesn't have bumps? We may get on each others nerves, and I know that sometimes I get pissed because she writes 'toke' instead of 'took' . . . but, with all the nagging and fighting aside, she's a dear friend of mine. And I wouldn't want to change that for the world.
<3 you, Minaki!

Actually, I was looking at this, and there was a part of me that wanted to delete it. Why? Because we had a really bad fight. Like, extremely bad. And my heart truly was hurting afterward. I ignored her, so she couldn't continue to post her hurtful comments. However, I finally removed her from my ignore list. We're not 'friends' at the moment with the Gaia friendship thing, but . . . I don't know. I don't think I'd be able to delete her completely from my life, big fight or not.

I just hope she can get past it as well.


Just like Minaki, she and I have been friends forever -- in my old account, she was my friend, before I was hacked. She then friended me ( or I friended her? ) quickly after getting my new account. She is a great friend, and like Minaki, I would do anything to keep her. If someone pisses her off, watch out -- I'll hit you with my frying pan of doom!


TT___TT I wish he and I could have been friends for a longer amount of time. He was one of the best role players and best friends anyone could possibly ask for. He was a soldier in the war, and was killed in action.
I truly will miss him.
But one day we will see each other in heaven, because I know he's watching down on all his role playing friends.
Rest in peace, VonLied.
R o s e D e m o n i c a
minaki c h i i
queen beetch

my johari ~ clicky!

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