
MaryAliceBrandonHale_Twi's avatar

Last Login: 05/15/2009 2:13 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Forks,Washington

Birthday: 09/26

Occupation: Physic

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Wear and tear




Yay I'm hyper! And I can prove it! Got to "" and no we are not drunk durin any of the videos...I don't think.
Hey many may know "who I am" njust by my name but either way I'm Alice Mary Brandon Cullen Hale. I have a very..unique family.
This includes Carlisle,Esme,Edward,Emmett,Jasper,Rosalie,Tonya's coven,and now Bella and Renesmee.We have alot of information you might like to know. Just don't bring Jacob around and I won't get any heardaches. And Jake, Renesmee is 15 now and Nehuliah is coming back...ANYWHo I gotta go help Bella with that rancid woredrobe of hers.So bye you can learn about the Cullens in the journals.
1. I poured glitter on my BF so he'd be just like Edward!
2. Fictional characters dazzle me. Frequently.
3. I stabbed Edward Cullen with a spork. And lived to tell the tale.
4. I stay up at night waiting for Edward to show up.
5. Ballet studios give me the chills.
6. I've developed a weird habit out of biting people...
7. I'm willing to bet against Alice.
8. Shiny silver Volvos make me squel like a fan girl.
9. When I have kids, I'll name them after the Cullens.
10. I jumped in front of a moving van just to see if Edward would save me.
11. I'm intoxicated by the mere presence of a friggin' book.
12. I pray for rain so Edward can come out and play.
13. I'm buying a Cullen car. Just to see if it comes free with a vampire.
14. I threw away all my Harry Potter books so make way for my Twilight ones.
15. I went to the doctor the other day... And asked him how Edward was doing.
16. I went to the doctor the other day... And called him Carlisle.
17. Popsicles are now my favorite treat. Cold, hard, and sweet.
18. I saw a grizzly bear and screamed, "Emmett!!!"
19. If anyone asks, I'm from Forks.
20. Whenever I hear the name Edward, I go... "What?! Where?!"
21. Edward heard me thinking of him... And he blushed like a schoolgirl.
22. I have a new pickup line... "Are you a vampire? 'Cause you dazzle me!"
23. I am addicted to something called herionTWILIGHT!
24. I can hear Edward in my head, to

Writing Thingamagigy

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Emmettlover's new book ideas

I like to read alot so i decided to write a few of my own i'm going to write about one i started recentley.

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ll_Vladimir_ll Report | 07/22/2009 1:33 pm
wats up

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How opposed are you to Grand Theft auto?
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Damiit Edward why aren't you real!

I saw a grizzle bear and screamed "Emmett!"