Marilynn Stone

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Birthday: 01/18


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Moshi Moshi! Marilynn here! I am a total anime/manga geek, and love anything to do with it, I am also a Yaoi Fangirl, if you have a problem with that, I don't care, just please don't rant to me 'bout it. I love writing and drawing. I am a KH geek too, and have an unhealthy obssesion with AkuRoku. I also have a deviantArt account! Check it out!

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Hey, I Adopted A Chibi!
Name: Edward
Age: 16
Likes: Alchemy, Al, The idea of finding the stone.
Dislikes: Milk, Being called short.
Eats: Like a pig, everything except milk
Owner: Roy :3


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Goodbye, I love you, will you be back? A thousand words never said, is it to late to say them now? What would you do if I cried, begging you not to go? Would you haved stayed with me? It's to late now... I miss you so much, please come back soon.