
My name is Kristine Marielle M. Baril and I'm 14 years old..
I'm from the Philippines..i love the color pink!my dad is a master mariner and my mom has her own business..i have 2 brothers,the older one works in a call center and the other one is a nurse..im the only girl..im in 2nd yr highschool now..
I really love dancing!
I can also play the piano and i could also sing..
I have a light complexion and i'm not so tall..I have a long brown
hair..and i have brown eyes...i'm not so smart,but i still get high grades..haha!LOL!...and i already know how to make my profile cooL!im so so so so happy!nena32345 taught me how!yay!the only thing i cant do now is to decorate my house...and change my name...but if i would change my name i would like pinkshortcake29..awww,so cute!lol!thats how i describe myself...and my friends describe me as nice,friendly and cheerful..and many says that im makulit and laf3p!haha!and when sum1 needs me im just there 4 them..hehe!well thats all...

First Love

the last kiss
tasted like tobacco
a bitter and sad smell

tomorrow, at this time
where will you be?
who will you be thinking about?

you are always gonna be my love
even if I fall in love with someone once again
I'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song

the paused time is
about to start moving
there's many things that I don't want to forget about

tomorrow, at this time
I will probably be crying
I will probably be thinking about you

you will always be inside my heart
you will always have your own place
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
now and forever you are still the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song
You are always gonna be my love

I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one

Now and forever...
you are always gonna be my love
even if I fall in love with someone once again
I'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
it's still a sad song
until I can sing a new song
~i love this song!:First Love by utada hikaru~